If you are keyed into the latest trends in beauty and skin care, then you would know that oils for the skin are totally in the limelight now, what with their benefits in cleansing and moisturizing the face and being all natural too. If you have been wary about using oils on the skin from the fear that they might break you out or make your acne more severe, let us tell you that some oils actually have a healing effect on acne and pimples. It is a matter of just picking the oil that suits you the best. We tell you about choosing the right oil for acne prone skin in today’s post.
Choosing the Right Oil for Acne Prone Skin
Oil depending on the skin type
The oil that you choose would depend on your skin type. If you have a dry skin, then you can use an oil of a medium density where as an already oily skin or combination skin will respond well to less dense oils. The density of oils is determined by the composition of fatty acids in the oil. Higher the oleic acid content, denser the oil. Linoleic acid is another fatty acid present in oils. If the linoleic acid content is higher than oleic acid, then the oil will be light and less dense.
Totally Avoid these
Whatever be your skin type, if you have acne, then it is best to stay off from oils with high oleic acid content like avocado oil, olive oil and safflower oil. These oils can block pores and exacerbate the acne. So even if your skin is in dire need of moisture, choose a different oil which will not clog pores.
Dry Skin
If you have dry skin and have break outs, then choose an oil with a medium density which will serve to add moisture to the skin. Your options are:
Sesame Oil: Sesame Oil, when warmed helps fight acne causing bacteria and also in nourishing the skin from deep within. The oil is neutral, medium dense and has a good mix of oleic and linoleic acids. Use it for cleansing your skin daily or overnight before sleeping to massage your skin.
Apricot Kernel Oil: Apricot kernel oil is rich in Vitamin C and vitamin E.

It is also popularly used for acne ridden skin because of its anti-inflammatory properties. The oil is light and works as a good substitute for a moisturizer. Read more about apricot kernel oil here
Oily Skin
Oily skin calls for oils that are light, non-comedogenic and anti-bacterial. This is because the existing sebum in the skin is breeding ground for bacteria which need to be removed by the anti-bacterial effect of the oil. Your options are:
Grapeseed Oil: Grapeseed oil has astringent properties and actually has a drying effect on the skin, making it ideal for oily skin types.It is a non greasy oil that actually treats acne and reduces skin inflammation. Use it instead of a moisturizer or in lieu of a lotion before turning it at night.
Jojoba Oil: Jojoba oil has the amazing ability to regulate the oil production in the skin.

Women with oily skin find that massaging the skin with jojoba oil leads to the skin becoming taut and shine free. Massage it on the skin every morning before washing your face or use it on the skin soon after your bath to seal in the moisture.
Read more about Jojoba oil here
Combination Skin
If you have combination skin, you would need an oil that addresses both the dryness in the face and the acne or oiliness in the T-Zone. The best oils for combination skin are evening primrose oil and coconut oil. Both of them are known to be effective in fighting acne and in soothing inflammation in the skin.
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