Books Magazine

Family Weddings – The Joys?

By Clo Hutch @lashesoflife

The Saturday just gone I was invited to my Uncle’s wedding. An early afternoon catholic church ceremony with a reception running from mid-afternoon until late.

You always hear of those who don’t like family get togethers, those who get anxious and don’t want the hassle.

I LOVE family get togethers, and weddings are one of the best! A perfect excuse for the whole family, including those you don’t see too often (the more distant relatives, aunts and grandparents siblings) to get together and celebrate. Let’s face it with how big some families are this doesn’t happen all that much!

The invites came earlier this year, and Alex was invited too – the first family occasion invite. I had been looking forward to it for a long time.

Alex had already met most of my family there, so it wasn’t too daunting (well I hope it wasn’t!), and he’s always great in situations like this which is awesome!

Alex met me at mine and we jumped on a bus to Brixton where the ceremony was being held – The Corpus Christi Catholic Church. We were just on time – my fault, whoops! – and we sat with my immediate family. They all looked gorgeous in their smarts and we awaited the ceremony to start. Will (my uncle) set the iPod for the wedding march when Chloe arrived – If you’re thinking where was the organist, we are in the modern times you know! – and Chloe followed her maids of honor down the aisle, with her flower girls trailing behind (my cousins). She looked beautiful!

The whole ceremony was beautiful, the readings, hymns and vows – It almost brought tears to peoples eyes.

Signing of Marriage Register

The signing of the marriage register – The bride, groom, their parents and the maid of honor and best man.

We then gathered outside to congratulate the bride and groom, there was a photographer taking photos of the families and people congregating, and we toasted the marriage.

The reception wasn’t far and after a short while in the garden we all made our way there. The Kings Head, where the reception was held, was close to Clapham High Street and isn’t actually open until the 12th but my uncle had managed to secure it – think it was a contact of his. It was decorated with bunting (courtesy of my Grandma) and looked lovely. Snacks were arranged on platters on the tables (the platters were designed and produced by someone from Chloe’s side of the family – again beautiful!) and there was plenty of food – scoth egges, meat pie, olives, cheese filo pastry parcels –  it was all delicious!

We ordered drinks at the bar, which were very reasonably priced, and all sat chatting, mixing with others and enjoying the atmosphere.

The speeches from my Uncle, Chloe’s Dad and Leo, the best man were fantastic and funny! Everyone was gathered around toasting and laughing.

They had food delivered and served for their guests for dinner too – a delicious selection of chicken, beef, vegetable and halloumi skewers and salad from Poulet Rouge.

One of the loveliest ideas was the polaroid camera which was making its way around the reception party – people were taking photos of themselves and writing messages for the bride and groom. An amazing alternative to a wedding book! Loved the photo of Alex and I…

Alex and I

My family, having to travel back to Evesham, left about 8pm, and my auntie, uncle and their children from France left about then too. Alex and I stayed for another drink, and a catch-up with Will and Chloe before heading back to mine – it had been a long day but had been amazing!


Thank you to my Uncle and new Auntie, another Chloe Hutchinson!, for a lovely day! Your wedding day was absolutely beautiful! I hope you both had the best day of your lives!

I wish you all the best, and lots of happiness of which I’m sure there will be heaps!

Chloe xx

Family Weddings – The Joys?

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