Too many late nights? Spend all day on the computer? Love sun-bathing? More than likely you suffer from dark circles under your eyes. But fear not reader, I have found something to help…
Yes there are a multitude of products out there designed to brighten and cover up any shadows lurking under our peepers but I think it is time to start treating the problem instead of just covering it up.
I think I may have found something to rescue us from these imperfections and it comes in the form of an eye cream (shock!) from Fade Out. Their new and improved White Anti-Shadow Brightening eye cream is packed with good ingredients like Vitamin A which helps hydrate and improve collagen production under the eyes.

Dark circles can be caused by lots of different things with lack of sleep, hyper pigmentation and age being the main offenders. The skin under the eyes is incredibly thin, so any damage here shows up ten times as worse than anywhere else on the face.
Now when I got this I half expected the product to be bright white and stark (due to the name) but I couldn’t be more wrong. The cream is tinted yes, but is a gentle peachy tone that helps blur fine lines and neutralise any darkness. And I have to say it does work.
Patted gently under the eyes morning and night, this has made a huge difference to my dark circles. It feels amazing on the skin, very light and creamy but doesn’t leave an obvious tint or greasy film over the skin. It sinks in quickly and does instantly brighten (if only slightly) the under eye area. But after a few weeks using this I have to say, mornings without make up aren’t as terrifying as they used to be as I no longer look like I am impersonating a panda. The dark circles have reduced, the texture of the skin is smoother and stronger almost. I also don’t need as much concealer as I used to. Compared to other creams of this type such as Garnier I can safely say this is the best I have tried on the High Street.
What made me notice the effects even more was that before, after a good 5 hours at work or shopping, my dark circles would begin to show underneath my concealer. Now I don’t have that problem as they are definitely being taken care of by this cream.
I had little or no expectations concerning this product but once I started using it religiously I can honestly say I am super impressed and would highly recommend picking one up if you can. You will see a difference in around 4 weeks easily. If you have bags or puffiness under your eyes though I wouldn’t recommend this. You need something cooling and calming that will reduce the symptoms. This is for treating dark circles and fine lines.
Available from Boots, Savers and independent pharmacies. Priced £8.99.
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