CONFESSION TIME- Until 2 weeks ago I have NEVER in my life had gel nails. I have had acrylics and just normal polish but never have I tried a gel polish whether it was professional or not.◦ So 2 weeks ago I was sent a totally awesome press kit from SensatioNAIL, which is an at home gel system.

I wanted to make it clear with everyone that I have never in my life attempted gels on my own nails so that goes to show how easy it actually is and how it doesn’t take a genius to get the job done (as I am far from “smart.”)Some really easy steps in getting those gel nails at home, which ANYBODY can do.First you use the cleanser on a lint-free wipes to your nails and get rid of all the junk on your nails which will prolong the color.Then you paint some primer on the nail and make sure you don’t let this touch your cuticles or else it will dry the heck out of them.