Business Magazine

Equal Pay Day Luncheon: Closing the Gap on Gender Pay Inequality (VIDEO)

Posted on the 18 April 2013 by Classycareergirl @classycareer

Today I am taking you with me to a lunch that I went to last week to honor Equal Pay Day.  Equal Pay Day represents the date in the current year through which women must work to earn the same amount their male counterparts earned the previous year. Last week, I attended a Lawyers Club event in San Diego featuring Lorena Gonzalez, Secretary, -Treasurer/CEO of San Diego-Imperial Counties Labor Council, AFL-CIO.  As head of the Labor Council, Ms. Gonzalez has worked tirelessly for equal pay for union members.  You can learn more about Lorena here.

Lorena discussed the significant and crippling impact of unequal pay upon women, their families, society, and our nation.

Tune in to learn about how to make a difference and close the gap:

Here are some things I learned at the lunch:

  • Women must work 99 days longer to earn as much as men made last year.
  • The losses over the course of a woman’s worklife due to gender pay inequity for a high school graduate is $700K, a college graduate is $1.2M and a professional school graduate is $2M. (source:
  • What equal pay would look like?  GDP would increase by 9%. Poverty rates for single mothers would decrease by 50%. Poverty rates for dual-income families would decrease by 25% (source:
  • One of the issues is that there is a lack of access to other people’s salary information because employers don’t allow employees to talk about what they make. But, women need to know the data to ensure that they are making a fair salary.  We don’t talk about salary enough.
  • If women make less, it means they are contributing less to their retirement as well.
  • It is not about the choices that women have to make. Men can’t bear children. We have no choice.  Women are making less than their husbands which is a common reason why women end up staying home with their children.

Here are some things you can do to make a difference and close the gap:

  1. Spread the word about the gap and equal pay day.  Other people don’t know that we are fighting this fight.
  2. Encourage other women to negotiate and to talk about pay and salary.
  3. Encourage Congress to pass the paycheck fairness act which will allow employees to talk about their salaries.
  4. Encourage your organization to offer salary negotiation workshops and diversity policies
  5. Research and to confirm that you are making what you should be making

Don’t forget to subscribe to my Youtube Channel for more career related videos! P.S. VEDA stands for vlogging everyday in April!

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