Hey Everyone,
I know this post has only been put up a couple of minutes after my previous post, but I have had a super positive response on twitter to do a secret santa so I am setting one up!
I am posting this early because I want to give everyone enough time to enter and to buy the gifts etc. and to give me enough time to select everyone's secret santa partners.
As for how much to spend, I think if we say a spending amount of £20? You can go over this if you want to but just as an aim, but just to make it fair so that some people aren't spending £20 and some only spending £5 as this would not be fair :)
How to be a part of this secret santa:
- Leave a comment with you Name, Blog URL & email address.
- Send me an email ([email protected]) with the subject 'Secret Santa' and send me your address. ( If under 16 please make sure you have your parents permission)
- Then on October 1st I will give everyone their Secret Santa and the address, also I will send their blog URL so you know what kind of thing to get them. The parcels will then need to be shipped so that they arrive for Christmas. Maybe if we arrange to send them at the end of November/start of December?
The last date for entries is the 29th of September.
Everyone will be emailed their partners on the 1st October.
The parcels within the same country must be shipped by the 1st of December.
If sending them from/to abroad please ship some time round the end of November.
- Do not even think about swaplifting anyone on here, not only is it selfish but it is incredibly unfair and ruining the Christmas spirit. Do not enter if this is your nasty little plan.
Please comment & email
Thanks for reading