So, I have finished my new screenplay based on my ex's idea to go to a place that we enjoyed way long ago, like 1972! And also, I have someone looking at another screenplay that''s been running around for about 10 years. I've taken a few calls on it but I don't want to think anything will really happen.
That's my way of being excited!
Haven't really written one since S.O.B., the pilot that's running around looking for a home.
In case you forgot, it's about two women who had married the same man, not at the same time. One was in her 50's, the other was 22. And they have inherited their ex husband's a falling apart Private Investigation company. Actually a store-front on Ventura Boulevard.
And the S.O.B. isn't what you think. Rather it is a real estate term referring to homes being on the south side of Ventura Boulevard have more esteem than the south side.
Thus S.O.B. South of the Boulevard.
I'm looking forward though I probably look like it's the end of the world. Well maybe almost the end. But I think my new one, the one my ex suggested, can work. If you have netflx you can see what I'm working at.
Older people. Catch the one with Robert Redford and Jane Fonda. Am I stealing some ideas? Well, everybody steals ideas, they're out there for us. Nobody really originates a new fresh script, they use pieces from way back. Redford and Fonda are in their early 80's -- and there is an audience. And actually I'm not really copying them, just getting some ideas of my own. And I get ideas every day, most not great but some not bad.

I'm just starting to play with the story, using my favorite software, Power Structure. No sales here, I just like it.And finally, I'm going to show you a script that has been hanging along since 1985.
Before Strange Things.
Before Walking Dead.
Two words: Burger Zombies.
