Fashion Magazine

Eidl Fitr Mubarak!!!

By Kaidarul @KaiDarul

Ramadhan has come to an end. I hope our fasts, sacrifices and ibadah this year were all accepted by the Almighty Allaah.

NOTICE: This post is full of my face. In case you wanna run off. LOL

Eidl Fitr Mubarak!!!

So, how did you spend your Eid? Mine is pretty boring. I stayed at home all day. First reason is I can’t pray due to monthly visit. Second is I don’t have any houses to visit to. I mean, I am in Iligan City and I don’t know people that much. That makes me miss my hometown so much wherein I can go house to house and eat all day. Lol!

Few days ago, I took the photos posted here. Guess what came into my mind? Tried how my eyes would look like when I wear the niqab (covers the face excluding the eyes).

Eidl Fitr Mubarak!!!
Eidl Fitr Mubarak!!!

I chatted with friends all day. I cleaned the house. I packed my things for the upcoming trip to Cebu with my lovely Vidas. *excited* Ah. I did too much in a day. I had to take a nap at around 6pm.

Eidl Fitr Mubarak!!!

That’s all for the randomness of my Eid. Nothing special. Just me being thankful for all the blessings that the Almighty Allaah has given me.

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