Books Magazine

Eating Out|| ALL the Steak at Flat Iron

By Clo Hutch @lashesoflife

Eating Out|| ALL the steak at Flat Iron

I’d heard so many amazing things about Flat Iron, from numerous different people, and they’d always said that the queue was worth it. And I can now tell you, Flat Iron didn’t just meat all my expectations, it totally exceeded them. And now…the steaks are raised for any other meat restaurant on my list. Ok I’ll stop with the puns now. I did make myself giggle a little. Flat Iron is another restaurant which has been on my list of places to visit for what seems like a lifetime. We tried to go to the soho branch a while ago, one Saturday afternoon, and the queue was almost 3 hours long! With it starting to rain, and the queue heading out into the street, we decided…

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