Fashion Magazine

Dukale’s Dream

By Jr

If everyone in the world made a few simple changes in what they choose to eat, purchase, and use every day, we could make the world a better place.  It really is that simple.


A couple of weeks ago Burrell PR and World Vision invited me along to a free screening of the truly inspirational Dukale’s Dream. The film opened my eyes to three things: the choices I make in my life really do affect others; Hugh Jackman is a pretty nice celebrity person; and there are no better entrepreneurs than those who start with little to feed their family!

Being vegan for the past 6.5 years of my life for ethical reasons, I already make a conscious decision every day to care about the planet and the creatures that we are so lucky to share it with.  Lately, I’ve been trying to purchase more eco-friendly products and shop locally for fresh produce, but I’ve only been picky about things like coffee when it comes to flavor.  I do drink a LOT of coffee though…and that’s where Dukale and his friend Hugh Jackman come in to the story…

“One thing that I love about World Vision is every place they go, they go in with an exit plan,” Jackman said. “They don’t want people dependent on them.”

World Vision offers economic empowerment around the world through community-based activities and micro-financing.  Hugh has been sponsoring a child with World Vision since he was 8 years old, and when he catapulted into fame he became a World Vision Austrailia ambassador.  In 2009, Hugh and his wife.  Deborra-Lee Furness, visited a community development project in rural Ethiopea where he met 27 year old farmer and father, Dukale.  Jackman saw first hand the importance of fair trade coffee in helping to empower families like Dukale’s to make a sustainable living, and educate future generations.  Hugh said: “The time I spent with Dukale made me realize if you give people a hand up rather than a handout, the difference it makes to them is massive.
This meeting of two very different men was the beginning of a life-changing journey for both of them, and one that has made me further investigate what I put into my shopping basket.  So, expect to see a lot more posts from me on sustainable, ethical, and healthy living!  Have a look at the trailer that inspired me so much below.

Dukale encouraged those around him to work smart and hard, and strive for better, including Hugh who opened a coffee shop and foundation inspired by Dukale, called Laughing Man.  The foundation creates “a curriculum to teach students, here and abroad,  about social entrepreneurship, value chains of products, and market based solutions.” It funds “World Vision health, education and small business projects for farmers like Dukale and their families throughout the Kochore region of Ethiopia”, and it improves “health standards for women and children in rural Ethiopia by providing access to clean cookstoves and medical supplies.


“Dukale’s Dream demonstrates the impact that simple changes to our daily routines, such as switching your morning coffee to a fair trade alternative, can have in alleviating poverty and its causes.” – Helen Keogh, World Vision Ireland Chief Executive

For a FREE screening of Dukale’s Dream near you: Register
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