So, here we go again, yet another Argentinian tango led by another corrupt, autocratic 'Gangster-in-Chief-for-Life' although to be honest Madame Dictator President Kirchner is a bit better looking and, hopefully, more sober that Galtieri ever was. According to Jaime Daremblum in today's PJ Media:
Back in September, Argentines held massive nationwide rallies to protest the autocratic abuses, economic failures, and rampant corruption of President Cristina Kirchner. Two months later, they held even bigger demonstrations. And on April 18, they held their largest protests yet, with roughly two million people marching in cities and towns across the country, including more than one million in Buenos Aires alone.
The poverty and the corruption are bad enough but now La Kirchner and her 'thugocracy' are moving in on the hitherto independent judiciary and that has proved the last straw for a considerable number of Argentinian people:
The immediate trigger for the April 18 protests was a Kirchner proposal to abolish judicial independence, but the demonstrators also expressed concerns
about everything from sky-high inflation to violent crime to government
attacks on press freedom. In the weeks following their protests, they
received good news and bad news. The good news was that Argentina’s court system pushed back against Kirchner’s war on free expression. The bad news was that government-allied lawmakers enacted her judicial “reforms,” which means that the ruling party will now have majority control over the legal council that appoints and (if necessary) removes federal judges.
And so once again poor Argentina which could so easily be rich Argentina is swirling down the plughole of stupid corrupt dictatorship. As always, the rich will get richer and the poor will be reduced to scavenging landfill sites - again. If they're lucky - very lucky - Kirchner may just manage to keep the country from declaring war on someone - anyone, really - but probably us Brits and thus the poor hombres will not be rounded up and sent off to take the Falklands for the greater glory of La Kirchner.
Really, what have the Argentinians done to deserve her?