Health Magazine

Dolls of Comfort, Dolls of Hope

By Jean Campbell

Today’s blog is not about breast cancer, but about a cancer that none of us wants to think about…childhood cancer. It’s about a toy company that is working to relieve just one of the many hardships that children, with cancer, must endure…the stigma of hair loss.

Today’s blog is about a line of dolls for children with cancer. They are dolls that we, who have lost our hair during cancer treatments, can relate to; dolls that are stylish even when hairless.

The dolls have the dual mission 0f reducing a child’s stigma and increase his or her comfort level about being bald as a result of cancer treatment, and supporting childhood cancer research at City of Hope, Duarte, Calif.  City of Hope is a leading research, treatment and education center for cancer, diabetes and other life-threatening diseases.

No one likes to think of children having cancer, but 46 children a day in the U.S. are diagnosed with cancer, many of whom will lose their hair while receiving treatment. While most children tend to be very courageous during painful and debilitating treatments,  they have a hard time looking different from their friends.

MGA Entertainment, a toy manufacturer, is doing its part to address the issue of baldness.  MGA has come out with a new line of hairless versions (True Hope) of their hit doll brands, Bratz® and Moxie Girlz™. They made the dolls in response to the ever-growing social media movement that calls for toy makers to create hairless dolls to emotionally comfort young girls and boys who suffer from hair loss due to cancer treatments.

MGA is donating $1 for every one of the True Hope Bratz® and Moxie Girlz™ dolls sold to distributors, to City of Hope for cancer research. It is their way of actively supporting the fight to develop lifesaving treatments for children.

City of Hope, is a designated by the National Cancer Institute as a comprehensive cancer center and is a founding member of the National Comprehensive Cancer Network. City of Hope’s research and treatment protocols advance care throughout the nation.

“City of Hope is at the forefront of research to ensure that people with cancer receive the best possible treatment,” said Michael A. Friedman, M.D., president and chief executive officer of City of Hope. “The support of MGA Entertainment plays an important role in our progress. It will help our researchers in their drive to discover new and improved treatments for patients and families everywhere.”

Dr. Friedman summed up the importance of the dolls by saying,”The “True Hope” Bratz and Moxie Girlz dolls are wonderful opportunities to raise funds for lifesaving research –as well as to raise cancer awareness among young people around the world.”

The dolls are available at Toys “R” Us stores and with other retailers to follow.

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