Health Magazine

Do You Know About the Dry Eye Syndrome?

Posted on the 14 August 2014 by Opticalh @OpticalH


Are you one of those who spend a lot of time in front of a screen (TV, computers, tablets…)? Does your job imply to be partially or totally linked to a computer? The so-called “Dry Eye Syndrome” is a direct consequence of the daily activity our eyes carry out. We spend a lot of time in front of devices, whose screens causes certain dryness on the eyes which makes us feel very uncomfortable.

The origin of such a syndrome dwells in the lack of moisture on the eye surface due to multiple reasons, such as the lessening of blinks and the visual effort made when reading thoroughly. Some of the symptoms might be blurred vision; burning sensation, itching or eyes reddening; sandy sensation; and even light feeling.

gotas humectantes salud visual

A method to fight against dryness and irritation on the eyes are the artificial tears or the moistening drops which are directly applied on the eye surface; taking always into account what liquid suits best each user and being recommended by a specialist.

To avoid some of the aforesaid symptoms, professionals recommend the rule 20-20-20. It works in the following way: every 20 minutes you spend doing a visual activity, i.e. working in front of the computer, 20 seconds of visual rest are required, focusing your gaze at 20 steps of distance (around 6 meters).

The already mentioned symptoms can derive into chronic eye diseases which many people can carry without noticing them at all or just getting used to them and living with a deficient vision. That is the case of chronic conjunctivitis or derived allergies. That is why Optical H helps you to lessen those aggressive factors thanks to the wide range of products which fight against the Dry Eye Syndrome. Our professional staff does also know the needs of your visual health and how to cope with them.

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