Humor Magazine

Do Not, Under Any Circs, Junk Junker!

By Davidduff

Yet again I am uneasily aware that my title will be even more incomprehensible to my foreign readers than they usually are.  Let me explain.  I am in totally in favour of Mr. Junker, a Luxembourgois and a fanatical European federalist, being given the job of President of Europe.  That may surprise those of you who have realised over the years that I detest almost everything about the European Union but if so let me suggest that you have underestimated my Machiavellian intent!  If Junker gets the job we will have, paraphrasing the late, great W. S. Gilbert, 'the very model of a modern bureaucratic madman'.  Such a man will "stiffen the sinews and summon up the blood" of every Brit with lurking doubts concerning the EU.  The fact that he is the 'Kaiserin's' first choice and that if she supports him it will be seen, rightly, as a two-finger salute to 'Dim Dave' and the Brits.  Thus, to quote another well-known phrase, "at a stroke" all that nonsense reported by our gullible media to the effect that 'Dave 'n' Ange' were, you know, nudge-nudge, a political 'item', will be shown up for what it was - Tory party hype.  Dave has allowed himself to be seen as the champion of the anti-Junker brigade and his defeat by the massed ranks of Euro fanatics led by the 'Kaiserin' will humiliate him, but, more importantly, convince yet more disgruntled Brits to vote 'Out' at any forthcoming referendum.  In other words, it is vital that the Euro-fanatics continue further and faster up the road to nowhere because only then will the GBP (Great British Public) realize that the only alternative is for us to pack our bags and say auf Wiedersehen.


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