Humor Magazine

'Do It, Germany!'

By Davidduff

Have I mentioned before  - yes, alright, let me finish, and I know I sometimes often repeat myself but you try sitting here day after day churning out this bilge these highly polished commentaries and see how far you go before you repeat yourself! - now, where was I?  Oh yes, I may have mentioned before that I once played 'Claudius: King of Denmark'.  Of course, usually the play is referred to as 'Hamlet, Prince of Denmark' and, alas, the ignorant and unwary never stop going on and on and on about that milksop nephew of mine.  Of course, in reality the play is all about Claudius, a bit of a moustache-twirling cad with a way with the ladies, er, particularly his brother's missus!  True to form, his pestilential nephew never stops making trouble (cut his lines, I suggested!), well, what else do you expect from bloody teenagers, so Claudius hatches a 'cunning plot' to send his nephew off to England where his allies will, taps side of nose and winks - know what to do!  Claudius has a rather good little speech which night after night I enjoyed spitting out:

Do it, England,

For like the hectic, in my blood he rages

And thou must cure me.

So, as finally I get to the point of all this verbiage - and by the by, in case you're wondering, as I know you are, I was, of course, utterly brilliant in the role, the 'Memsahib' told me so! -  I have, in view of the Kaiserin's recent effort to kick Dave in the shins with her Rosa Klebb jackboots, altered the nationality of the country concerned to Germany.

Rosa Klebb by Lotte Lenya.jpg
'Do it, Germany!'

According to Spiegel, the 'Kaiserin' has let it be known that she thinks Cameron is being pushed over a bright red line in his panic to limit the number of EU immigrants into Britain.  Free movement of labor is one of the the four pillars that support the entire European edifice and any effort to tamper with this is something, to quote a phrase, 'up with which she will not put!'

It is now obvious, although of course, that does not mean 'Dim Dave' and his Old Etonian bag-carriers have seen it, that the Berlin-Brussels axis is intending to play extremely hard-ball against any and all efforts by the UK to renegotiate their arrangements.  They rammed 'Juncker the Drunker' down Dave's throat, they hit us with a £1.7bn bill for increased contributions with just a few day's notice and now the 'Kaiserin' has warned him not to rock the boat - or else!

On the whole these things taken as individual acts barely impinge on the average Brit going about his business but when they are repeated, week after week after week, then even the unpolitical begin to take notice.  Dave keeps repeating the mantra that his 'boss' is the British people although I doubt he takes it seriously.  Well, at the Clacton by-election the 'boss' made his feelings plain and it will be re-enforced with perhaps even greater rage at the Rochester by-election. too.  Wake up, Dave, and smell the coffee!


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