I like repurposing jar's because they're usually a good size, I find them handy to use for something else, they look cute in my bathroom or bedroom and I'm up-cycling - giving it a new purpose.

1 stovetop1 saucepan1 pair of Oven Mitt's1 used glass jar candle1 knife1 wax/tarte burner
Firstly, get a saucepan and fill it almost 1/2 full of water (depending on how much wax you have to melt). I suggest adding the candle to the pan before you put it on the stovetop. Wait a few minutes for the wax to completely melt - once wax has melted turn off the heat and remove pan from stovetop.
Keep a knife handy because you'll need it to remove wick's once the candle wax melt's.
You'll need oven mitt's to hold the jar whilst removing the wick's once the wax has completely melted. Once the wick's are removed, use the mitt's to hold the glass and pour the wax into your Wax/Tart Burner straight away, if you leave it the wax will cool and you'll have to go through the process of melting the wax again.

I've left the label on this one because it's a nice color and it's in tact. I filled this jar with cotton round's/pad's and cotton bud's and a small bottle of nail polish remover and a pair of scissor's. I'll keep this in my desk just in case I want to remove my nail polish during the day.
I like repurposing old jar's of sauce or jam as they're tall and you can fit a good 4 to 6 brushes in them. I haven't gone so far as to decorate a jar by spray painting or applying blackboard paint to create a label or add glitter etc but I'm definitely looking at doing it in the New Year.

I hope you liked this post, please let me know what you like to repurpose and if you have any repurposing post's you've written, please comment and include the link below.