Matrah Cornice
Photograph by Jose Fuste Raga, CorbisLights brighten twilight along the Corniche in Matrah, an important seaport in Musqat province. Oman is enjoying a modern renaissance, luring visitors with first-class hotels, views, and entertainment.
Wadi Bani Khalid
Photograph by Guenter Standl, laif/ReduxA swimmer explores a spring-fed pool at the popular Wadi Bani Khalid, near the town of Ibra.
Omani Schoolboys
Photograph by Walter Bibikow, CorbisSchoolboys share a laugh in Oman's western Al Hajar Mountains.
Snake Through Canyon
Photograph by Eric Nathan, CorbisHikers use a zip line to cross a canyon on Al Jabal al Akhdar, part of the Al Hajar range.
Al Husn Hotel
Photograph by Guenter Standl, laif/ReduxMusqat's Al Husn is one of Oman's luxury hotels. Each room has a view of the turquoise Gulf of Oman.
Photograph by Reinhard Schmid, SIMEThe white buildings of Muttrah gleam in early morning light.
Photograph by Aldo Pavan, SIMEFrankincense burns at an incense stall at the suq in Salalah. Oman has been a source for much of the world’s frankincense and myrrh since biblical times.
Green Sea Turtle
Photograph by Alexandra AvakianA green sea turtle heads back to the sea after laying her eggs at the Ras al Jinz nature reserve. Turtles can also be found at the Daymaniyat Islands Nature Preserve, home to the peninsula’s best diving, just offshore from Musqat.
Timeless hills look down upon the glittering lights of modern Matrah.Photograph by James L. Stanfield
Full article and credit to Nat Geo