Fitness Magazine

Dietbet Update

By Khourianya @khourianya
Week one went really well.  I tracked my food.  I walked 10,000 all but 2 of the days. I prepped my food and only had one teeny cup of coffee all week (after my race because there was no tea).
Aaaand.  I lost 4 lbs and had far more energy.   So nice to not be ruled by a coffee addiction.
But the weekends need work.   I find that a soon as Saturday hits - all bets are off and I backslide.  And snack.  and generally act badly.  This weekend royally sucked in that regard.
Not good.
For week 2 - I want to continue the goals I had last week.   Plus - I'm going to try to pre-prepare some snackies for the weekend so I can make smarter choices.   I also have a team lunch at work so will do my best to make smarter choices at the restaurant (luckily, it's sushi so that shouldn't be hard.)  I need to practice being good in restaurants again.
I also bought myself a wifi scale to help keep me honest.  I am really good at weighing in when the going is good, but this will better record my ups and downs and automatically post them so I will have a real reflection of when I start to backslide.   Just another tool in the toolbox.  One I think I need.
So - here goes week 2.   I hope it is even better than week one was!

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