Destinations Magazine

Diary of a Juice Cleanse: Pressed Juices

By Millietheowl @millietheowl
I think it’s pretty safe to say I like food. In fact the sheer existence of this blog probably argues the case better than I ever could. The idea of three days without food for a foodie? Sheer and utter nonsense. Preposterous. Inconceivable. And yet, I did it. You can’t have escaped the chatter about juice fasts/cleanses/detoxes (all variations on the same concept) or wandered the inner south-eastern suburbs without passing a Pressed Juices store. I definitely couldn’t help but join the conversation.


I decided on a Pressed Juices cleanse as I’ve popped into their stores a few times to pick up a juice, a mylk or a smoothie and trusted the quality. With locations conveniently around Melbourne and a gorgeous, easy to navigate store design I was pretty sold. They also give provide a reusable woven bag to carry all those juices. Too much convenience.


Instead of a long winded, documented journey, I’ve gone for the list format. Here are ten things I learned in 72 hours without solid food. Please note: I am not a health professional and all these are personal experiences. If you have questions or concerns, direct them to a nutritionist, dietician or doctor
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1. You will pee a lot.
Drinking upwards of 400 mL of fluid is a lot. Your bladder will be full. Make sure you have a bathroom available.

2. You don’t feel hungry.
This was probably my greatest shock over the three days. I was positive I would be dying by 10am but the juices really are filling and by the time you do feel hunger you’re probably due for the next juice anyway.

3. Some juices are sippers.
Don’t expect to just smash down a juice in a single gulp (although I probably could a few of them): some have an incredibly thick consistency, others a strong aftertaste. Accept that the speed you drink it will come naturally. Some took me up to forty minutes to finish, some less than two.

4. Going without coffee for three days is easier than I thought; even as a caffeine addict.
Pressed Juices recommend that you prepare your body for the few days prior and avoid alcohol, caffeine, refined sugars etc. I didn’t (by accident) and yet the caffeine free days flew by as I was too preoccupied thinking about my juices. Plus, I was wincing at the thought of more fluids. Now I’m comfortable with the fact that I’m not going to die some horrible death if I don’t get my early morning long black.

5. Beauty rest is paramount.
Without the protein, iron and carbohydrates in your diet, you will naturally feel more tired. It’s not a great idea to do the cleanse when you’re crazy busy, but rather when you have plenty of time to get enough shut eye. Not only will it make the cleanse easier but it also adds to the benefits of the cleanse; getting that sleep that you’ve probably been missing for weeks.

6. Try all your juices before you commit.
Pressed Juices are great like that. Not only do you have a choice in each component of your cleanse but you also get to taste each and every one before making the ultimate decision. Impatient as I am, I only tried one or two. Big mistake as I ended up seriously disliking one of my juices and once you’ve chosen, you’re stuck with them for three days. It won’t make your life any easier of you’re dreading one of your juices.

7. People may laugh at you.:
A juice cleanse is an interesting thing to do and some will admire your commitment, others will be sceptical, others will downright put you down and tell you what you’re doing is dangerous. I’m not going to disparage anyone’s views; it really comes down to you, your needs and your beliefs. If you’d like to be more informed, this article is written by a dietitian and has some interesting points.

8. Chat to the great Pressed Juices staff.
They’re friendly, knowledgable and happy to help you in any way they can. Sometimes, they even have a nutritionist/ dietician available. It’s really important that you consult them if you do have any pre-existing health problems. For example, if you’re prone to low blood sugar you may need to supplement the juices with other snacks like dried fruit or nuts. It is important to tailor the cleanse to your needs as, in the end, it’s for you and not for anyone else.

9. A juice cleanse is not for weight loss.
If your purpose for doing the cleanse is to shed some kilos, you’re doing it for the wrong reasons. You may lose some weight, due to the process of detoxification (ie water weight) but any more than that will just be your body eating into your muscle. It’s not healthy or optimal. There are plenty of better ways.

10. I actually do feel a lot better.
I decided to do this cleanse at a pivotal time in my life (which I can highly recommend). I was starting a new course; one that would change the way I viewed the world. Physically I had much more energy, slept better, wanted to get up in the morning and could concentrate harder. Psychologically, it was a great way to force myself to break bad habits that I didn’t want to carry over into my new life.

It also gave me something to focus my energies on; preventing the stress of beginning my medicine studies from overwhelming me entirely. I felt grounded and secure within myself; as well as cleansed, nourished and alive as hopefully you will if ever you do decide to embark. Don’t forget to let me know how it goes! Instagram Diary
Diary of a  Juice Cleanse: Pressed Juices
Diary of a  Juice Cleanse: Pressed Juices

Diary of a  Juice Cleanse: Pressed Juices
Diary of a  Juice Cleanse: Pressed Juices

Diary of a  Juice Cleanse: Pressed Juices
Diary of a  Juice Cleanse: Pressed Juices

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