Hair & Beauty Magazine

Daiso: Charcoal Mask (Natural Pack) Review

By Ireviewuread

Hello! Today I’m going to review on something in which I use my own money to purchase! It’s the Diaso’s famous Charcoal Mask!

I’ve came across many reviews claiming that this product is cheap and good at removing black and white heads so curious little me finally could not stand all those claims and got one for myself to try.

Daiso: Charcoal Mask (Natural Pack) review

Cheap cheap little Diaso product cost only $2!

Time to try out the claims!

Daiso: Charcoal Mask (Natural Pack) review

When opened, there’s this little aluminum foil to peel off before use for the mask in there flows out rather easily. As seen from above, the mask is rather thick and it’s looks resembles Crude oil. 

For some reason, I find this mask rather messy to put on. After squeezing a little onto my finger tips, I wanted to get more but in the end the leftover sticky mask got stuck to the bottle and my hand. In the end I ended with a black face (literally), a black hand and a black bottle. 

After applying it for like a few minutes and the masks tightens and dries (the timing of when the mask dries depends on how thick of a mask you put on your skin. For me, I place a generally OK layer which took prolly about 15mins to dry) it’s time for the fun part, Peeling off the mask! Some find the peeling of the mask painful while I just remember the days where I often anticipated to peel off the nose pack which I have on. 

Daiso: Charcoal Mask (Natural Pack) review

Unfortunately, because of the rather thin layer I applied, I have to peel off bit by bit which caused the peeling of the Face pack to be very messy and and as fun :(

However, I did try the mask again as a nose pack a few days later and here’s the full nose pack with a little blackheads on them!

Overall, I find this too messy and sticky for me. Plus the fact that it doesn’t remove much of my blackheads and whiteheads is just sad. So, I have no choice but to give this product half an IreviewUread smile :( 

Daiso: Charcoal Mask (Natural Pack) review

Psst. I heard the mask works better as you use it more often. So, there’s a chance I’ll update you again on how the mask works!

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