But low and behold I bring to you the few presents Daddy M received for Father’s Day all brought to you by Officeworks of course (except the Car wash which came from Hayley’s Father’s Day Stall).
The first gift Daddy M received was:

Comsol Charger $40 for those days out (or nights out) when Daddy M needs his phone, this is a great idea for charging on the go. Daddy M’s Dad also received one of these for Father’s Day, so now the boys have no excuse for calling a cab home :-P Only kidding!! But it is just the right size to be able to pop in your pocket and off you go J

Then there was a custom made Stubby holder $15, which was printed at the printing kiosks. It does say to allow 2 weeks, but ours arrived in 5 which I thought was fantastic.

The last gift from Officeworks was a custom printed Mug $15, which was a favorite of his by far. Two Father’s Day’s ago Daddy M was a little upset when he went to work and all the Daddies there had Father’s Day mugs and number one Dad mugs. So this year I thought it would be a great idea to give him something he will use each and every day. As you can see he took it off to work before I could even take a shot J

Then Hayley’s Father’s Day stall gift was very thoughtful and Daddy M all over. He loves a clean car, so this was a perfect gift for him- plus he has just purchased a new car so I am sure he will use this as soon as it arrives.
You can find all these gifts (minus the car cleaning) at your local Officeworks and makes foro great gift ideas all year round.