Definitely one of the cutest ladies of the entire ceremony, flower girls often wear long, poufy dresses to walk down the aisle. From the typical pink princess dress to miniature version of the bride’s wedding gown, there certainly are a wide variety of flower girl dresses to choose from.

However, if you want to be different and bring some extra flair to your wedding day, why not dress up your little princess in another outfit? Contrary to what most people seem to believe, there’s really no law which dictates that the flower girl has to wear a long dress for the wedding. Don’t forget that your little girl can feel quite intimidated by the very fact of walking down the aisle in front of all these people, which means that she’s need to feel entirely comfortable in what she’s wearing. So, if she’s more of a tomboy, there’s no reason why she can’t wear pants instead of a dress.
So, here’s a list of some of the cutest alternatives to flower girl dresses.

Why not add some fun to your wedding day by dressing the flower girls in different types of costumes? Popular options include angel, princesses or even fairy costumes. These are quite conventional costumes though, so, if you really want to push the boundaries, think about dressing the flower girl in a Little Mermaid or even a Pocahontas outfit. Masks, tiaras and glittery necklaces can be added to make the little girl feel ultra-pretty.

If you’re having a barn or rustic-like wedding, don’t hesitate to add some touches of the Wild West by dressing both the flower girl and the ring bearer in matching cowboy outfits. If the flower girl absolutely wants to wear a dress, fret not. There are quite a few ways to accessorize a western-like skirt and turn it into a cowgirl outfit. White leggings, a fringed blouse and a fringed faux leather purse to match are all fabulous ways that you can turn your flower girl into a cowgirl.

Of course, if you’re having an informal wedding and if you want to keep things on the down-low, there’s no reason why the flower girl shouldn’t wear something casual such as jeans and a brightly colored top. A really symbolic gesture would be to give each flower girl a pretty crown of flower or buds to complement their outfits.