Food & Drink Magazine

Curious Chef Rolling Pin Review + Biscuit Pizza Recipe

By Cookingfromasahm

Curious Chef Rolling Pin Review + Biscuit Pizza RecipeCurious Chef Rolling Pin Review + Biscuit Pizza Recipe
Have you heard about Curious Chef?! If you haven't then your missing out. Curious Chef is all about kids in the kitchen.  What are they you might wonder? They create products for kids to help in the kitchen. Everything that you do in the kitchen, like chopping, mixing, stirring etc they provide safe kid products. My oldest loves to cook and we have a lot of their products. They recently sent me their rolling pin, to review.
My kids loved the rolling pin! It was very easy to use, and it was big enough that they could do it. We created these biscuit Pizza's by letting them use these rolling pins. They had fun doing it, and loved creating food. I love that Curious Chef allows kids to help in the kitchen and do things that normal kitchen utensils might be dangerous.  They have everything for a kid to use.
Curious Chef Rolling Pin Review + Biscuit Pizza Recipe
It is very important for kids to be allowed in the kitchen and Curious Chef allows that to happen. My kids give the rolling pins and all their other products 4 thumbs up!
Curious Chef Rolling Pin Review + Biscuit Pizza Recipe To purchase your own Rolling Pin: Curious Chef- Rolling Pin:-) You know you want to! While your there check out their other products. We have their knives as well. My oldest loves to help cut items for dinner. They are safe but they actually cut food.
Curious Chef Rolling Pin Review + Biscuit Pizza RecipeBiscuit Pizza
1 Tube Grand BiscuitsPizza SauceFavorite ToppingsCheese
*Let your kids do this one they will love it*Take a biscuit and roll it out flat. Then put sauce and topping on it. Bake at 350 till its done. Let your kids be creative. They will enjoy it.

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