Culture Magazine

Paperblog Editor's Pick

  • From Life: Interview with Victoria Olsen

    From Life: Interview with Victoria Olsen

    Victoria OlsenWhen I moved from looking at Julia Margaret Cameron's photographs to wanting to know more about her life, the first biography I bought was Victori... Read more

    The 13 August 2015 by   Kirsty Stonell Walker
  • Review: The Art of Bedlam

    Review: Bedlam

    I really need to be careful or I shall end up being known as the Mad Art Historian due to the amount of time I spend reading asylum records, but while artists... Read more

    The 10 August 2015 by   Kirsty Stonell Walker
  • All Aboard!


    You find me in the midst of the summer holidays, which means I am now working funny hours. Because we have the lovely Lily-Rose to look after, Mr Walker and I... Read more

    The 06 August 2015 by   Kirsty Stonell Walker
  • Phil Davison's XXX Stitch - Xhibit B London Show

    Phil Davison's Stitch Xhibit London Show

    Following the success of his New York debut Artist/Creator Phil Davison has returned to London to showcase his X-quisite original art. Read more

    The 29 July 2015 by   Invisiblemadevisible
  • Harem-Scarem...

    I have a random memory of being very young and an elderly relative telling me seriously that while out in town I should be aware of the dangers of white slavery. Read more

    The 20 July 2015 by   Kirsty Stonell Walker
  • That's Shalott

    That's Shalott

    It all started when I watched It Follows this week...I am a sucker for a 'curse' film, where the likeable protagonist accidentally gets the attention of a grump... Read more

    The 14 July 2015 by   Kirsty Stonell Walker
  • Rossetti's Women by Joan Greening

    Rossetti's Women Joan Greening

    As you will know if you follow my work, I am very Fanny-centric. Imagine my delight, fair reader, when I discovered there was a play about Fanny Cornforth, usin... Read more

    The 07 July 2015 by   Kirsty Stonell Walker
  • Mary, Mary, Maids of Tennyson’s Isle: Julia Margaret Cameron’s Marys and Her...

    Mary, Maids Tennyson’s Isle: Julia Margaret Cameron’s Marys Fantasy Made Reality

    Forthose that know her photographs, and no doubt all here present, it will come as no surprise that Julia Margaret Cameron seemed to have selected her maids... Read more

    The 05 July 2015 by   Kirsty Stonell Walker
  • Review: Mr Holmes

    Review: Holmes

    Turns out my father is Sherlock Holmes. In many ways I shouldn't have been surprised by this news but within the first few minutes of watching the new film Mr... Read more

    The 27 June 2015 by   Kirsty Stonell Walker
  • Thierry Noir’s “Jazz” at Howard Griffin Gallery

    Thierry Noir’s “Jazz” Howard Griffin Gallery

    Thierry Noir opens a brand new show at the Howard Griffin Gallery on Shoreditch High St this week. The show is described as 'a unique synthesis between the... Read more

    The 22 June 2015 by   Ukstreetart
