I had the crayons and dye out to work on something for the next newsletter and was having so much fun that I thought I would do a lovely colourful Easter egg as well. I just planed to do one, but I kept thinking of different ways to do them that I made a few. I will post the others over the next few weeks.
Dye is something that is a standard in the art supplies for New Zealand schools and I love it as a way to add a fantastic pop of color and lift to a picture. It can be substituted with food colouring and watered down paint. It is effectively a ‘colour wash’ and one of the properties that I love is that wax crayons resist it and will show through when dye is painted over the top of the crayons.
So a simple and effective Easter egg is to draw and color in an egg with crayons. I did random criss cross patterns on an egg shape and then coloured the shapes in with lots of different colours.

Then I painted the dye over the whole piece of paper and you can see how effective this is with the crayoned picture!

Now proudly put this on the wall or make a gorgeous Easter card with it!