Fitness Magazine
Here it is! Cover reveal for:
LULLABIES FOR SUFFERING:TALES OF ADDICTION HORRORHuge thanks to Dean Samed for his diligence in creating this cover. Dean personified the attitude and feel of this project, and he’s created a magnificent piece of art. The vintage look. The Lullaby theme. You can see the stories inside.
Look for presale date in October, publication date in January
Pre-Sale:October 22, 2019
Publication date:January 21, 2020
This collection is a follow up to Garden of Fiendsbut certainly not a sequel, for the scope is larger, and the volume bigger. Each story features the insidious nature of addiction. Damaged humans craving for highs and wholeness but finding something darker, more tragic, and more horrific on the other side.
Addiction may start like a sweet lullaby sung by a trusted loved one, washing away the pains of the day and wrapping you in the warmness of the womb. But soon enough, this warm state of bliss becomes a cold shiver. The ecstasy and dreams become nightmares, and for the sick and suffering addict, we can’t stop listening to the lullaby. We crave to hear the siren song as it rips us apart.
An incredibly talented group of writers sing these songs of suffering. You’re invited to listen.
Table of ContentsKealan Patrick Burke: Sometimes They See MeCaroline Kepnes: MonstersMark Matthews: LizardJohn FD Taff: The Melting Point of MeatGabino Iglesias: Beyond the ReefMercedes M. Yardley: Love Is A Crematorium
*Look for more exciting news about Lullabies for Suffering in the months to come, including a chance to win signed paperback copies from the authors on the table of contents*
What? You can’t wait that long? Well, rest easy. The predecessor to Lullabies is on sale!
Garden of Fiends: tales of AddictionHorror is on sale until September 10th for just .99 Cents.
Check out Garden of Fiends by clicking here: