Humor Magazine
Oh my hat, I've just read a corker! True Crime by Andrew Klavan which I purchased from one of my rather high-class local bookshops - er, the hospice charity shop, actually! - and which had me on the edge of my seat. It was published in 1995 so I'm only 13 years late! Of course, I have seen Mr. Klavan's name as a commentator on various Right-wing news sites but had no idea that he wrote thrillers, too. Anyway, this was a corker in that not only did it have me absolutely on edge to the very last page but it also made me convulse with laughter at various points mainly because the 'hero' is an appalling, A1 shit of the first order who as much by accident as anything else finds himself on the side of, er, 'Truth 'n' Justice'! To be absolutely honest, I do think that in places the story is somewhat over-written and thus I did indulge in a little bit of skim-reading - rather more towards the end because I could hardly contain my excitement in rushing to find out what happened. Anyway, if you see a Klavan book try it and also keep your eyes open for any by Kevin Peterson, his nom-de-plume on some books.