Fitness Magazine

Cori's Coffee Rant

By Khourianya @khourianya
Cori's Coffee Rant
Anyone who follows me on Instagram, knows I have a little thing for coffee memes.   So this week, I am linking up with Train With Bain and her wonderful bloggy tribute to the amazing elixir that keeps me functioning day after day in this crazy life!
Cori's Coffee Rant
Welcome to anyone who has found their way here from Tina's coffee post!   Love that girl! She supports my coffee habit.  Whether it be after a run....
Cori's Coffee Rant
...or visiting me at home while I'm injured...
Cori's Coffee Rant
Cori's Coffee Rant
Since I was 16 and The Black Rose Bistro opened in Lacombe (it's not there anymore - don't bother looking...but it was awesome), I have been in love with coffee.  I remember walking downtown on my spares with Neeners to drink coffee and act older than we were.   It started my huge fascination with the cafe culture of the 90s that persists to this day.  If it's shaped like a cappucino cup - I need it.   I can't even resist.   It's like my love of the color turquoise.  It just automatically makes it into my cart...
Cori's Coffee Rant
I have Coffee tchotchkes.  Coffee art.  Coffee socks.  Coffee notebooks.  Coffee scented ink.  A Coffee plant.  Coffee bookmarks.  You get the idea!
Cori's Coffee Rant
When I am out an about - I take pictures of coffee things.
Cori's Coffee Rant
Cori's Coffee Rant
Friends send me coffee things to decorate my my little charm on my ClassicJot
Cori's Coffee Rant
In short...
Cori's Coffee Rant
My latte love started when I was 18 on my first solo vacation to visit my best friend in Vancouver.  She was working at the Coffee Cafe in Tsawwassen and presented me with an Almond Latte.  Oh. My. Gawd.  My world was forever changed.  While I had liked coffee before because of how it made my 16 year old self so much more worldly and sophisticated...I was completely converted.  Coffee became my life.
Why I don't own my own coffee house yet is beyond me...perhaps I should turn my little Jot into a bricks and mortar paper and pen Coffee House...hmmmm.
Before I left my full time job, I had a coworker ask me if he should host an intervention for me before my last day.  He said he was afraid that without work to interrupt me, I might turn into a quivering, caffeine soaked mess.  Haha.  6 months later - it has yet to happen.  Glad I declined the intervention.
Ok - so I love get the idea.  Rather than have you all sit around listening to me rant and rave about my love of the are some of my favorite coffee memes for you!  If you want more - follow me on Instagram and you'll get to enjoy my coffee rants regularly on your feed!
Cori's Coffee Rant
Cori's Coffee Rant
Cori's Coffee Rant
Cori's Coffee Rant
Cori's Coffee Rant
Cori's Coffee Rant
Cori's Coffee Rant
Cori's Coffee Rant
Cori's Coffee Rant
Cori's Coffee Rant
Cori's Coffee Rant
Cori's Coffee Rant
Cori's Coffee Rant
Cori's Coffee Rant
Cori's Coffee Rant
Cori's Coffee Rant
Cori's Coffee Rant
Cori's Coffee Rant
Cori's Coffee Rant
Cori's Coffee Rant
Cori's Coffee Rant
Cori's Coffee Rant
Cori's Coffee Rant
Cori's Coffee Rant
Cori's Coffee Rant
Cori's Coffee Rant
Cori's Coffee Rant
And for all of you coffee lovers out there...I am hosting a little giveaway.  Okay - a BIG giveaway!
The star of the show is going to be a CoffeeJot Travellers Notebook from my shop in the ClassicJot size with a latte coloured tassel charm.  This print is something that I never have and never will be offering in my shop in this size (ok - never say never but it's pretty unlikely).  Inside will be a handmade blank notebook and a coffee-themed dashboard.
Cori's Coffee Rant
I've also scoured through my studio to see what coffee things I can part with and have come up with tons of other goodies to throw in...
Cori's Coffee Rant
...including 3 TomBow markers (two brown coffeeish shades and a colourless blender), a Pilot Petit fountain pen, two coffee themed notebooks, a framed coffee print, a notepad and some treats not pictured.  Also - a couple of coffeeshop themed washi tape rolls and whatever else I happen to throw in before the giveaway closes in 2 weeks time! I seem to like to do that.
This giveaway is INTERNATIONAL!  I do have some mandatory requirements, but there is a chance to gain bonus entries too.  For example - if you place an order in my shop and say "I'm entering the coffee giveaway" in the comments - you get 5 bonus entries!  Just like that!   Purchase not necessary to enter the giveaway - it just gets you extra entries.
Giveaway closes September 6, 2015 at 11:59pm.  I'll announce the winner before September 8.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
I am also going to offer you all a discount code to my shop here.  Enter COFFEETIME at checkout to save 25% until September 15, 2015.  No minimum purchase required.
and now, it's time for you to carry on and visit the next blogger in the link up...head on over to Jindy's blog and see the 5 Starbucks Customers Who Give Her Faith in Humanity!

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