The Coreana Rodin SHO line has a 3-Step Pore Pack! Exciting since I have previously tried the Coreana Rodin SHO Cream and my skin really liked it.

This 3 step pore pack opens up pores, cleans them up, eliminates blackheads and tightens the pores. The strips are made of bio-cellulose which is derived from coconut water.

I don't follow the instructions precisely- After removing the first sheet, I immediately put the second sheet on without washing my nose. It didn't seem to make much difference because the second sheet worked fantastically regardless! 1STEP- is really cooling and the serum was thin and slippery. It doesn't dry out at all within the 10 minute wait time and I left all the excess serum on my nose before going on to the next step. 2STEP- is much smaller than the Biore pore strips which tend to extend all the way out onto my cheeks! Perhaps it's designed for Asians who have smaller noses? It fit my nose perfectly! I found that the time it took to fully dry was only 10 minutes which is shorter than I expected. When I peeled it off, one side at a time, it definitely hurt, but nowhere near as bad as the Biore strips. My eyes only watered slightly and not a single tear was shed *poetic*. 3STEP- Ahhh I love bio-cellulose masks! This one has the texture of fresh coconut flesh and just feels so calming and refreshing. My nose isn't red at all after using this for 10 minutes and my nose feels really soft and silky afterwards and I have to refrain from stroking it (is that weird?). Below is my nose before and after the process. As you can see, I don't really have a problem with blackheads on my nose (I have a problem with them everywhere else it seems). They are barely visible so I am not the best person to show an amazing before and after shot on! But trust me, wait till you see the stuff that came out of my nose later!

Step 1 is the Blackhead Melting Sheet It melts and brings the blackheads to the surface with the help of horse oil.
Apply this step for 15-20 minutes. Clean the nose with a cotton swab.
This is a prep for the second step which is the actual pore strip. Though this takes up time, I like how it softens the nose area. It does slightly have an alcohol smell so if you don't like the smell well, heads up.

Step 2 is the Blackhead Absorption Strips This is the step we're all familiar with. This is very similar to all the nose strips out in the market. This removes blackheads, white heads and sebum that clogs our pores.
Splash water onto the nose, remove the transparent film and apply the strip onto your nose for 10-15 minutes. Once completely dry, slowly remove the strip starting from the edge.
It is a very satisfying feeling removing a pore strip from your nose and as I said earlier I enjoy seeing the gunk. The dirty pore strip is a testament to how well this product actually works. Unfortunately, photos from my test were lost and I had absolutely no time to redo all the photos. You can refer to Kim & Bella's review and photos for the effectiveness of this strip! Personally, it worked great and I believe that the first step was indeed helpful in removing so much blackheads, whiteheads and dirt from my nose.

Step 3 is the Pore Tightening Sheet A bio-cellulose sheet that is soaked with horse oil, this last step closes and tightens the pores that were opened during the second step. It also helps calm the skin and prevents blackheads.
The actual sheet is like a flat piece of coconut jelly (bio-cellulose) and is sandwiched between two sheets. Apply it on the nose for 5-10 minutes, remove and massage the essence on the nose.
An extra step which I think is very helpful. We usually neglect our noses and pores after we remove the blackheads not thinking that our pores are wide open and when it's wide open, chances are, it will get clogged up again by dirt and sebum.

The two sheets that encloses the actual strip.
The concept of this 3-step pore strip is good and quite effective but the time it takes to do the whole thing takes up half an hour. It's a pain if you have a lot of things to do but if you're doing a spa day or maybe just around the house working on some chores, it is a treat for your nose! ^^
*This product was sent to me for review but as always, my reviews are honest and based on my own opinions and experience.
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