Destinations Magazine

Combi Coffee, Elwood

By Millietheowl @millietheowl
Combi Coffee
Shop 1 140 Ormond Rd Elwood
9531 0084

Combi Coffee on Urbanspoon

Chia? Quinoa? Acai? Kombucha? Don’t worry, I can’t pronounce them either but you can hardly deny the rapidly spreading popularity of these acclaimed superfoods. I have to admit, I absolutely lap it up. I’m not a raw foodie, or vegan (though am afflicted by a mild lactose intolerance). I don’t buy organic and don’t even know what activated means. However, for some reason the very idea of eating whole foods whips me into a salivating frenzy. There have been plenty of cafes either adopting this same view (or capitalising on the whims of the masses) and the most recent to pop up on my radar for the former is Combi in Elwood.


The little cafe looks like it’s been driven straight down from Byron Bay in, well, a Combi van. Psychedelic colours, dream catchers and positive affirmations greet you as you walk in. At first, it was a little confusing as no one helped point us in the right direction but we quickly managed to figure out that you seat yourself and order at the counter.


My lactose-intolerant taste buds jumped for joy at the sight of non-cow milk that isn’t soy. A coconut milk latte was quickly on its way and presented me with a sweet, creamy brew of Combi’s own roast. The ubiquitous mismatched pastels make their appearance at Combi yet, in this instance, they actually match the decor.


Raw, vegan, gluten free, lactose free, organic eaters will be in foodie heaven as they glance at the menu. Pre-breakfast in the form of green smoothies moves into breakfast options like activated muesli. Savouries like avo on sprouted gluten free toast or sprouted raw, gluten free, flaxseed vegan pizza (pardon the excessive adjectives) make for the more filling feed. Mylks (only ever with a y) present a sweet side and homemade raw protein balls are super snack friendly.


I went with the acai bowl while the boy opted towards the chia pudding and neither of us were surprised to be served in glass jars on wooden boards. The presentation was more than kitsch, however, as bright colours of fresh fruit were artfully cut and placed. Unfortunately, as I delved deeper into my jar, I found the acai smoothie blend to be tasty but too runny. Slopping off my spoon, the thick creaminess that I love in a smoothie bowl was lost. The buckinis added much needed crunch but weren’t quite enough to bulk out the texture and the bottom layer of coconut flakes were a relief as I reached the bottom.


The chia pudding, on the other hand, was divine. Thick and sweet, the softness was cut with large, thick pieces of crispy chocolate buckinis. A layer of fresh banana finished off a delectable jar that you hoped would keep going.


I enjoyed Combi’s atmosphere and intentions. The coffee is wonderful and some of the dishes have really hit the mark. Unfortunately, I’ve experienced better acai bowls (cue LBSS) but I do hope to return to try the delicacies health freak instagrammers only dream of.

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