Hair & Beauty Magazine

Cocoa Brown – 1 Hour Tan

By Beautybykaris @beautybykaris

Cocoa Brown 1 Hour Tan Review


Hey There,

I’ve been seeing *Cocoa Brown tan all over my Twitter and Instagram for a while, with only good things being said. Being a fan of the bronzed look, you can imagine I jumped at the chance, when they said they would send me one out *excited face*.

I’m a girl who has gone from knowing nothing about fake tan, to not leaving for a night out with out at least a couple coats. Now I’m not talking no orange nonsense, I’m all about the subtle golden glow, I don’t think I’ve ever got ‘product happy’ with self tan, so I’ve never unintentionally turned myself orange, (Fingers crossed I never do).

I liked the sound of Cocoa Brown 1 hour tan, as I never feel that comfortable sleeping in any tanning product overnight, (Does anybody?), so the idea of it developing in an hour is just ideal. You can actually leave it on for up to 3 hours depending on what look you wanted, so you can imagine which timing I chose.

I only applied two coats, and was happy with the color it was subtle, but everyone in work noticed the next day, (Its always nice to be told you look tanned). But as I was heading for a night out, I would of liked it to of gone a bit darker, so I know for next time to put 3 or 4 coats on.

(No before photo I am afraid, I forgot to take one)


The Cocoa Brown tan doesn’t smell like ‘fake tan’, (You know that coffee biscuit like smell)  the scent actually reminds me more of after sun, a proper summer holiday smell. The mousse formulas have always been my favorite out of the lotions and sprays, (Despite spraying some up my new curtains), it foamed up well, rubbed in quick and most importantly dried fast. Sometimes I worry that the mitt won’t be enough to protect my fingers, but luckily there was no leakage with this product, and my palms were not dyed.

Cocoa Brown 1 Hour Tan is less than £8.00 and has won Best Tan awards for the past 2 years, considering it only launched in 2012, that is pretty good going. I would definitely recommend it, and actually just got a second bottle from the #Sotonmeetup so that will keep me going for a while.

Have you tried Cocoa Brown tan? What is your favorite fake tan?

Lots of love,


P.S I’ve also just started using Cocoa Brown’s gradual tan, I’ll let you know how I get on with it.

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