Humor Magazine

'Cleggeron' Beats 'Mogadon'

By Davidduff

Well?  Didja see 'em, didja, didja?  No, me neither!  It seems the entire country went on about its business yesterday utterly disinterested in what our prime and deputy prime ministers had to say as they extolled the virtues of what they had achieved in the first two and a half years and enthralling us - not! - with their plans for the next two and a half.  Personally, I was far too busy fighting off the mass vandal attack by Google/Imgres (see below) but even the MSM seem less than interested, preferring, I assume by the absence of much in the way of commentary today, to do their tax returns or paint the mother-in-law's kitchen rather than listen to these two A1 crashers pretend that they really, really, are grown-up statesmen.

Mind you, I suppose, when I ponder on't, better this pair of obvious lightweight chancers than some swivel-eyed fanatic filled to busting with "that vision thang"!  When you think about it, 98% of politics is total humdrum tedium that only the social inadequates who take up politics could put up with for more than five minutes because in return it allows them to "strut their hour upon the stage".  In other words, boring politics is, on the whole, by and large, taken in the round, better than exciting politics!  Even so, one occasionaly yearns for some sense of direction, some indication of a world view, a hint perhaps that our inglorious leaders have something more in mind than just staying in the job long enough to nail down a Blair-style sinecure for the second half of their lives that will bring in enough moolah to soften the loss of sundry creeps constantly muttering , "Yes, Prime minister", "Thank you, Prime Minister" and "It's time for your press conference, Prime Minister".

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