Business Magazine

Classy Career Girl’s Book Update (VIDEO ANNOUNCEMENT)

Posted on the 14 May 2013 by Classycareergirl @classycareer

So….finally a book update!!

I know I promised you that my book would be coming out in May….well…it’s May and no book! But have no fear!  The book is just slightly behind schedule and will be in your hands later this summer.

Until the book is in your hands, I have some fun announcements of what I am going to do on the blog instead! And the big keyword is FREE, FREE, FREE!

So watch the video and find out what fun things are going to be happening until my book is finally on the market!

P.S. Did you miss my original book announcement?  Do you want to read more about what my book is going to be about? Check out this post where I announce that I finally have a book deal!

Now you tell me, what free things should I add to my weekly giveaways?  Ask and you shall receive!

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