Lifestyle Magazine

Cardiac Arrhythmia

By Thindes78
Cardiac arrhythmia
The most common type of Cardiac arrhythmia (irregular heartbeat) is atrial fibrillation which is otherwise known as arrhythmia absoluta. It affects about 6% of world’s population and it usually appears in people who are above 65 years of age. The condition is much more common in
 males. Based on limited data provided by You! Drugstore, it seems that atrial fibrillation is much less common for people under the age of 40.The heart is different from the all other muscles because it has the ability to create spontaneous impulses and contractions. In a normal situation, the heart is contracted and rested in normal intervals. In case of atrial fibrillation, the chambers stop pumping blood because there is unsynchronized contraction of muscles and because of that, inflow of blood starts lagging. Due to this, there is a chance for thrombus to be created. When the heart returns to its normal working condition, this clot can go into circulation and clog arteries. Thus, certain parts of the body may become deprived of blood and all the necessary substances which it carries. Depending on the artery that is being clogged, manifestation may vary. Because of this, atrial fibrillation may lead to heart attack and stroke. Luckily, Eliquis can help us with this issue and lower the risk of stroke.
Doctors believe that a thrombus can be formed within first 48 hours after initial arrhythmia. The chambers will pump much less blood than they would do otherwise. Nevertheless, the heart will still be able to function with 25 to 30 % reduced capacity. In terms, this condition can last for years without causing any detectable heart issues. However, if a patient already has some heart problems, atrial fibrillation will quickly lead to worsening of state and appearance of heart weakness.
This condition appears in people who have ischemic heart disease, weakness of heart muscles, mitral stenosis as well as in people with thyroid issues, hypertension and pericarditis. Only in 30 % of cases, this condition will be isolated. In other words, it will not be accompanied by any other issues. Sometimes, it is very hard to determine why the disease appeared. It can also be caused by some outer things such as alcohol, insomnia and emotional stress. Fibrillation may appear during the sleep, after a large meal or while resting after a stressful period. Stimuli such as caffeine and fatigue can also provoke it.
Common symptoms of this disease are an irregular pulse, lack of air, fatigue, weakness, dizziness, confusion, loss of consciousness and chest pain. If the heart frequency is not rapid, and patients can live with this condition for years without even noticing it. Nevertheless, if this state is diagnosed, the patient will need to take Eliquis as a way to prevent blood from coagulating. In terms, this will prevent creation of blood clots and reduce chances of stroke. A patient will need to take the medicine twice daily, according to doctor’s recommendation. Unlike most other drugs, Eliquis rarely causes any side effects. In some cases, patient may experience problems such as fainting, dizziness, constipation, confusion, headache, nosebleeds etc.
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