This colorful character is a hoot!
You will need an empty toilet roll or roll of card, some colored paper in a variety of colours, a small piece of black card and a small piece of white paper.

Cut strips from colored paper long enough to circle the toilet roll. Make lots of cuts along the strips making sure you don’t cut right through. These will be the feathers of the owl.
Carefully run the ‘feathers’ along the edge of a pair of scissors to make them curl. Be gentle as it is easy to pull them off. Glue each feather strip around the toilet roll leaving a gap in the front with the two top strips.
For the tummy cut out an oval from colored paper and draw small ‘v’ shapes for feathers. Wait till you have made the eyes before gluing in place so you can work out the best place to put the tummy.
Use the black card to cut out a pair of eyes. Using this as a template cut out another pair of eyes using the white paper and then cut them a little smaller. Draw in some pupils.
Cut out a small triangle from orange and glue to the back of the eyes to form the beak.