Hi friends! Anyone wishing that it was already the weekend? Just me?
This week didn’t start off great. I was battling some sinus issues all of Sunday (at the time I thought I was getting sick) = cranky Amy. Woke up on Monday feeling like garbage still. This is basically how my day went:
5:00 AM
What’s that incessant ringing coming from the foot of my bed? Ugh. Alarm. Ugh I don’t feel good. I’m not getting up to workout. *Resets alarm*
If you’re wondering why my alarm is at the foot of my bed- I have 2 alarm clocks. 1 on my phone at the foot of my bed and 1 on my nightstand. I have a tendency to sleep through loud noises e.g. alarm clocks, fire alarms, etc. Some people pick life partners based on love. I pick them based on their ability to wake up in the middle of the night to a fire alarm and save my life. I kid Kyle. Love you <3"><3"><3"><3"><3
5:01 AM
Meow. Meow. Meow. Meooooooowwwwwww. Cat heard my alarm clock and now must be fed because apparently she thinks she hasn’t eaten in weeks. *Feeds both cats*
5:10 AM *Crawled back into bed*
I am now talking myself into working out. “Just do it. You won’t have time this evening and you’ll feel like crap if you don’t.”
5:15 AM
I’m too dizzy (side-effect of my sinus issues) and blah-feeling to run. Yoga it is. Ooo yoga feels good. Must remember that.

Fast forward through work where I felt crappy all day. Of course I pretend I’m fine and in a great mood but really I’m thinking, “Shut up. Shut up. Shut up. Shut up.” I’m a peach.
4:40 PM
I went to Costco after work to pick up dinnerware for Kyle and myself. My mom had found this particular set on Sunday and took a photo for us.

Basically we want something that’s not completely hideous but also cheap. This was $19.97 for a 20 piece set. Great deal!
My mom and I could’t find it at Costco. Whoops, I found out that she saw it at a different Costco…we ask my dad if he can pick up a few on the way home from work. He obliges. I now have to say he’s the coolest dad ever. Family obligations are hard.
Also found Nuttzo at Costco. This quickly changes my mood from :| to :) #loser

7:00 PM
Drive over to Kyle’s house to hang out. I can’t wait until we live together and we won’t have to schedule hangout times.
We played 4 games of pool. I won twice…by default. He knocked in the 8 ball prematurely. I was majorly sucking so I’ll take the wins. We also made the game interesting (loose term) by doing pistol squats every time we missed a shot.
And that was my “exciting” day. I woke up today to run in the AM but my head was bad still. This means speedwork on the treadmill tonight because I don’t run outside when it’s 90F.
Do your pets get up as soon as they hear your alarm clock?
The last impulse purchase you made at Costco- go!
Tell me something random about your day!