Well, a man may hope, may he not? Apparently, crafty William Hague has sneaked in a bill which if passed will lead to a secret rather than the traditional open vote on who will be the next Speaker of the House of Commons. According to The Telegraph, it is likely to pass today because both Tories and LibDems will support it using a three-line whip where-as dopey Labour caught on the hop - again! - only applied a one-line whip and are struggling to get their MPs back to Westminster.
There are some deeply unlovely specimens in the House of Commons but none of them plumb the depths of induced nausea the way little Bercow does. He is like one of those small but bloated blowflies that ruin your picnic on a Summer's day by dodging all the swipes you take at it but still manages to settle on your food leaving a trace trail of tiny piles of shit!
This last Parliament has not been the horror story of the one that preceded it but from the outside looking in, mostly at Question Time, Mr. Speaker Bercow has gradually convinced me that execution is not all bad. So come on, Parliament, get one thing right before you go and send Bercow back to his grisly wife - a fate even worse than death!