Family Magazine

Build Your Kids Confidence In The Water With Swim Fin

By Hannah Staveley
Build Your Kids Confidence In The Water With Swim FinDisclaimer- Precious Little Worlds have been sent out a item for free from Swim Finin exchange for our honest opinion for the purpose of our blog, to report back to you the viewers our findings.Build Your Kids Confidence In The Water With Swim Fin

About SwimFin

SwimFin is a teaching aid, flotation device and fun water toy all in one. It should be worn high on the back, above the center of gravity. This way it will ‘suspend’ the child in the water – it will not tip a child forward if worn correctly, as can be seen in the photos.
SwimFin should never be used with a baby that cannot control their body yet, and it must NEVER be worn on the front of the body.

SwimFin inspires imagination and play. When a child puts on a SwimFin, they immediately become more active, playing, building confidence, learning, experimenting and having FUN! SwimFin plays a psychological part in learning to swim, even before a lesson has started. Kids love the feeling of safety and security SwimFin gives them, while it motivates and encourages imagination and play.
Build Your Kids Confidence In The Water With Swim FinMy son has not long started going to the swimming baths so thought this would be a fantastic opportunity to try out the Swim Fin , as he is two years old this is the ideal age for this product.

If you decide to order the Swim Fin when it comes you will find the item packed it a simple but minimal plastic packaging , which I would handy no messing about just straight into opening in Swim Fin.

Also included is a guide about your item and instruction how to set up and use.

Me and my partner did have to read them as was not sure how it would be placed on our Son.You simply pace the Swim Fin to the back of your child and wrapped the straps around through the hoop and stays in place with the added Velcro. 

when me and my partner got to our local swimming baths and I stayed in the viewing room to takes some pictures on my son, we had a very upsetting experience when taking a picture, One of the older ladies complained about me taking a picture so this is why I only have this not so good picture so I do apologize.

My son wanted the arm bands on as swell bless him so that's why they are on you do not need them on together.


Build Your Kids Confidence In The Water With Swim Fin

Alfie had a really good time and you could see his confidence growing at time went on.

You don't have to have blue colour they do have lots of other colours for the Swim Fin, and yes we did get the arm bands off and could see how the item works.

Did notice how robust it is and how securely the straps are and a very interesting fact that it has a life time guarantee now how good is that!

Build Your Kids Confidence In The Water With Swim Fin
Build Your Kids Confidence In The Water With Swim Fin

Swim Fin is priced at £21.99 which personally don't find too bad at all for what you are getting. 

Thoroughly recommend to try as its also enjoyable for your kids and boosts their confidence in the water.ideal for 2-6 year olds 

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Sorry to my viewers and Swim Fin as my review did not go to plan with the pictures due to not been allowed to take a photos of my own Son. We have decided to try another pool so will update you if we can get some better pictures for you.



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