Entertainment Magazine

Bring Me The Horizon: And The Snakes Start To Sing

Posted on the 08 April 2013 by Thatswhatsheheard @sheheardblog


For those of you who haven’t heard of this weeks Single of the Week artist: You obviously never had an emo/scene kid phase. Bring Me The Horizon remind me of being 1 5 and buying Kerrang! every week for the free posters of the Foo Fighters and the Red Hot Chilli Peppers and every now and then the odd Nirvana poster. Bring Me The Horizon have been about since 2004, however if you’re not into the metal/rock scene you’re probably sitting there going ‘Who??’

So around the same time that lots of people were going mad for The Arctic Monkey’s in the main stream, the metal scene were going mad for another band from Yorkshire: BMTH. When they started out BMTH were considered a metalcore band, eg fast hardcore metal that’s all a bit in your face. This weeks free single does however show you a slightly softer side to them, however if you’re not into rock and metal it probably won’t do anything for you. This track makes me think of the time when I first heard a Slipknot acoustic and thought ‘These guys can actually make beautiful music’. There are so many moments in this track that made me appreciate their identity as musicians rather than just noisy, shouty people.

The lyrics are rather macabre with is to be expected, however the sung vocal with the etherial background textures and vocal harmonies layered together create a beautiful atmosphere worthy of The Vampire Diaries soundtrack. For me however the ‘shouty’ bits really let the track down and break up that beautiful atmosphere. Where the track starts to build and the vocal switches between a semi singing/shout it actually sounds pretty awful. The semi shout sing reminds me of so many awful singers who get turned down from the x-factor.

But I guess at the end of the day the guys have to appeal to their usual crowd whilst maturing it. I would say it’s definitely worth checking out as the majority of the singing, textured and string sections are gorgeous, but the shouty bits do detract from it somewhat.


Download And The Snakes Start To Sing

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