Lifestyle Magazine

Bride’s Best of Fall Wedding Colors

By Artsyweddingblog @alicepub

A wedding is one of the most important occasions in one’s life and therefore the wedding day has to be memorable both for the bride and groom and their guests.  There are many things that couples take into consideration and one of the most challenging things is the decision about what color scheme to use for their wedding.

Bride’s Best of Fall Wedding Colors

For couples planning their wedding in the month of September through November the occasion may conjure up feelings of a crisp weather and bright foliage. Before deciding on the color scheme to choose for the wedding the following fall wedding color tips would be necessary for the bride.

Bride’s Best of Fall Wedding Colors

Choose the venue of the wedding as this will give you guidelines on the color scheme that is perfect for your wedding. The venue will dictate whether the place goes well with reds or gold so before choosing your color theme, decide on the venue of your wedding.

Bride’s Best of Fall Wedding Colors

Other fall wedding color tips to consider would have to be the color of your skin, the color of your eyes, and your hair. This is because your skin color may dictate the type of color theme for your wedding. Blonde brides should avoid yellows, because it will make them look washed out, on the other hand, yellows would be a perfect color theme for a bride with dark hair and dark skin.

Bride’s Best of Fall Wedding Colors

Considering invitations that are in season at this time would also be good fall wedding color tips. The bride should take into consideration the color of invitations at this time of the year and from these colors she can come up with her wedding color theme she so desperately wants to get.
When we think of fall, we think of the harvest time and all the rich yellows, gold’s, coppers, oranges, reds, browns and peach.  In fall, Mother Nature provides us with a rich variety of her bounty and flowers in season would also give the bride’s perfect fall wedding color tips.  There are various flowers at this time of the year and they include flowers such as alliums, zinnias, sunflowers, freesias, iris Lilies, star of Bethlehem and orchids.

Bride’s Best of Fall Wedding Colors

After scrutinizing all those fall wedding tips, the bride should now decide on her color scheme bearing in mind that the color that she chooses speaks volumes about herself this is because various colors have different messages and the color she decides to choose will tell her guests about her style and personality.

Bride’s Best of Fall Wedding Colors

One can have a one color wedding theme with different shades of the same color.  As a rule of thumb, always remember to blend the color shades well to avoid a single color dominating the wedding theme and making the occasion look dull or artificial.  A pink dominated wedding may feel too feminine offending the males therefore ensures that there is always a balance in the color schemes.

Bride’s Best of Fall Wedding Colors

Choosing two to three colors for a wedding theme would also make good wedding color tips. You should not choose more than three colors as this will make the place look cluttered and leave a feeling of conflict.  When choosing wedding color themes choose a primary color in your color scheme then have other colors as complementary colors or contrast colors. Combining color themes well makes your wedding elegant and coordinated.

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