Healthy Living Magazine

Boxing Zumba Workout [Footwork Drills]

By Geoff Griffiths @mmatraining1980

Here’s some music! (just requires a repetitive song, similar to Zumba)

There’s probably a better playlist to be fair.

However, either way, the idea is to complete repetitions in orthodox stance, and the southpaw.

So that you move side to side in a rhythm, like in a Zumba class. Although like Zumba, there will be some forwards and backwards movement.

The idea is to build up repetitions of highly effective footwork ‘moves’ to enhance your boxing and MMA footwork quickly, efficiently, and drastically.

This will be hard and tedious to begin with. So start with the Pivot and perform 10 in orthodox, before attempting the movement in southpaw stance.

Start in Orthodox stance, Except for the Lomachenko L-step – which he does in southpaw.

Boxing Footwork MoveFamous BoxerBrief DescriptionYouTube Link

PivotFloyd MayweatherFrom orthodox stance, pivot on the ball of your left foot, rotating your body 180 degrees to the left. Return to starting position. Repeat to the right.Floyd Mayweather Pivot

L-StepVasiliy LomachenkoSee below TableLomachenko L-Step

Pendulum StepTJ DillashawShift weight to your right foot, then quickly step forward and to the left with your left foot. Immediately shift back to your right foot. Repeat, alternating sides.TJ Dillashaw Footwork

Peek-a-Boo ShuffleMike TysonFrom a tight guard position, take small, quick steps forward and backward, maintaining a slight bounce. Shift weight between feet rapidly.Mike Tyson Footwork

Lateral MovementDominick CruzTake quick, short steps to the left, then to the right, maintaining your stance. Focus on keeping your feet close to the ground.Dominick Cruz Footwork

Check HookFloyd MayweatherStep to the left, place the ball of your left foot on the floor. Pivot 45 degrees on the ball of your left foot as you throw a left hook.Mayweather Check Hook

Hop StepLerdsilaFrom your stance, hop forward landing on both feet simultaneously. Immediately hop backward to your starting position. Repeat.Lerdsila Footwork

Matrix SlipRose NamajunasBend at the waist to your right, then quickly shift your weight to your left foot and step to the left with your right foot. Return to starting position.Rose Namajunas Footwork

Here are step-by-step instructions for performing the Lomachenko L-step from a southpaw stance:

(although it’s easier to just watch the video below)

  1. Start in a southpaw boxing stance with your right foot forward and left foot back14.
  2. Shift your weight slightly to your back (left) foot2.
  3. Step backward with your front (right) foot, bringing it behind your left foot25.
  4. Immediately step to your left with your left foot25.
  5. Your feet should now form an “L” shape, with your left foot to the side and your right foot behind it25.
  6. Quickly return to your original southpaw stance by stepping forward with your right foot2.
  7. As you perform this movement, keep your upper body balanced and your guard up14.
  8. Practice this movement slowly at first, then gradually increase your speed as you become more comfortable with the technique36.

Remember, the L-step is designed to create angles and quickly change direction, allowing you to evade punches and set up counter-attacks1

4. It’s important to maintain your balance and be ready to throw punches immediately after completing the step

This site – It’s Chinese BTW, I think, has some great footwork examples to add:
Also, look to add whatever the fuck these are called from TJ and Dom C:

Boxing Zumba Workout [Footwork Drills]
Boxing Zumba Workout [Footwork Drills]

I’m working on a wrestling and BJJ butt-scooting Zumba routine too.

Here’s some footwork drills in the meantime:

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