In the words of Callie...
"Bloggers for Health (BFH) is about leading a healthier life style, meeting your fitness goals, and inspiring other bloggers along the way."
Every Saturday Callie and Lauren will be posting a new, health related topic for the participating bloggers to write about with the hope that we will inspire and guide each other, and our readers, to meet their health and fitness goals for 2012.
We don’t claim to be experts. We are just normal girls, leading normal lives but that means we can tell it like it really is. What works for us, and equally what doesn’t? For all the details click on the funky little BFH button on the right hand side of my blog.
This week the participating bloggers have been asked to write about why they’ve joined BFH. I was first introduced to BFH by Karen’s blog and thought the concept sounded great. I read a lot of blogs where groups of bloggers get together (either physically or in spirit online!) to motivate each other towards their fitness goals. Bangs and a Bun is a fantastic example! She is some lady!
I tend to exercise alone as I like to get out of my head and into my body and sweat out the stresses of the day. I find this easier if I’m alone because working out with friends usually means gossiping and not working my hardest! Of course though, this can get lonely and that's where I’m hoping BFH will kick in! It will be a forum to share my trials and tribulations. To gossip and moan about how tough those last 10 squats were after my gym class instead of giggling about it during the class with my friends.......and inevitably not doing said squads because of it!
In a physical sense I’ve joined BFH because I’m in my 20s and I should really be the fittest I have ever been and ever will be! I should essentially be “in my prime”, “at my peak” and I’m......well I’m just not. My weight is healthy but I should still be fitter, faster, stronger, better, more toned. I want to get good habits in place now while it's still relatively easy to do so (I have no kids to worry about, I don't have huge amounts of weight to lose etc.) I don't have any specific, measurable goals in place yet but I'm hoping that will come once I start to just get out there and get on with it!
I hope you’ll stick with all the BFH bloggers throughout our health and fitness journeys and maybe be inspired to take part yourself.
Lisa x