Food & Drink Magazine

Blog Post from Dads That Cook

By Cookingfromasahm
 Good Morning Everyone,
A week or so ago I recieved an email from Jason Glover about Dads that Cook. He was having a kick starter campaign and wanted my help. While I could not support him financially, I wanted to support him in ways I could. You remember me posting about them on the page? Well I asked them if they wanted to swap blog posts. They agreed and below is all about it. Dads that Cook is a tv show that will be on PBS this Fathers Day! I know I will be watching. You should too! If your a dad that cooks scroll down and see how you might be able to join in. I'm very excited to be doing this swap with them. I love the idea of the show, and happily support them.
Blog Post from Dads That Cook
Dads That Cook: The Rising Trend of Fathers in the Kitchen
First, a little back-story to get ourselves oriented:
Jason Glover spent a lot of time in the kitchen as a child, watching his mom and grandmother create meals for the family. He picked up some know-how from these early days, but continued developing a love for cooking as he grew older. Later in life, when his wife learned she had an allergy to gluten, they became a gluten-free family. Jason has now learned how to cook healthy family meals, and has created a show called “Dads That Cook” (Dads that Cook) to showcase fathers around the country and their amazing family recipes.
So, what’s the big deal?
Since long before the stereotype of the 50s Housewife became iconic, women have been playing first fiddle in American kitchens.  Since then, we’ve seen a number of women’s rights and other movements begin to balance out the scales of expectation for fathers and mothers both in and out of the house. Voting rights, working rights, changes in fashion and politics have all seen a shift towards equality in the past century, but the kitchen stands as a kind of final frontier. We’ve had home-cooking idols like Martha Stewart, Paula Dean and Rachel Ray, but male cooks are generally professionals whose creations can hardly be mimicked in the home.
“No experts, just good cooking!”
Jason noticed a rising trend in dads like himself who were developing a love for home cooking (and not just grilling!) for their families. He also noticed that, while cooking shows are incredibly popular, most of them involve professional competitions that are totally impractical for home cooking (you know, like when the challenge is to create an entre with duck filet, asparagus, and gummy worms?).
So now, his mission is to meet these dads, honor their talent, showcase their recipes, and inspire others to cook healthy meals that bring the family together! We’ve started by highlighting dads in the San Francisco Bay Area. This is where Jason’s family lives and where Dads That Cook is being produced. The show’s first season is expected to air on PBS this Father’s Day, June 15. Hopefully, we’ll be packing up our gear and traveling around the country to meet the dads of season two!
Are you a dad who cooks for his family? Do you know one who might want to be on the show? Visit Dads that Cook and send us an application! To receive recipes, ideas for family meal planning, updates about the show, and more, join us on Facebook (Dads that Cook Facebook Page) & Twitter(Dads That Cook Twitter), and subscribe to our newsletter (link: Join Dads That Cook Newsletter )!

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