You don’t have to be in U.P. Diliman to get this, but that’s where I was earlier this morning, and being back in my university for a shoot made it taste even better.
Half the university knew (I’m kidding, not that many) I was not as addicted to taho as I was addicted to the isaw stands (grilled/barbecued offal) that are now alongside the vacant lot which is a hop, skip, and a jump from the University Arcade, but those super savory isaw stands only open in the afternoon. However taho for me (steamed bean curd with sweet syrup and pearl) is still such comforting sweet treat in the morning, especially a morning like this. Today my University of the Philippines smelt of trees with sun rays peeking, there were people running, fallen leaves gripped the moist ground, and a soft, nippy October breeze was blowing…what respite from the smoky chaos that is the city.