July is my busiest birthday month, well from the end of June to the end of July.
Boyfriend’s mum’s, two of my closest friends, my brother’s and my boyfriend’s followed shortly after in August by my mum’s! And you know what this brings on…a month of present stress!
Everyone knows present shopping is a pain. Ok, so I love christmas shopping, and wrapping presents now that’s another thing entirely – I was in awe at Selfridge’s elves (Gift wrap service) last year! I love wrapping, obviously I should have been in that team! – I am a complete perfectionist over wrapping! I also feel like over christmas everywhere is selling gifts and in complete competition with one another, so they offer so much choice right there in front of you!
But birthday present shopping is different. After Christmas when you have got them what they really want, then what do you get someone. There’s only so many paintings you can do for one person, or candles someone can own surely?! And I find shops just aren’t the same with gift ideas throughout the rest of the year.
Even websites like ‘Not on the High Street’ and ‘I want one of those’ recognize present shopping is hard, trying to make it easier with their search options for ‘Gifts for Her’ or ‘Gifts for Him’. But I find they’re still not always easy to find something from, especially when you’re not entirely sure what someone might want!
Luckily this month I already have my boyfriend’s sorted – you will all find out at the end of the month, I’ll be sure to tell all! This year we did experiences rather than presents, all very exciting! But that’s a big weight off my mind.
But this week I have been trawling the internet for ideas for his mum’s – yes I’m running late on this one! And I have a couple ideas for the others coming up, but still coming up short. hmmm…I better get my skates on, I can’t give everyone their birthday presents a month late!
Do you find birthday present shopping stressful? I’d love to hear what you do to help :)