Hair & Beauty Magazine

Bio-Oil Review

By Ireviewuread

Bio-Oil Review

It’s the first skincare review of 2014! Today I’m going to review a product in which I’ve been crazily raving about since the birth of IreviewUread: Bio-Oil!

I only discovered this product when I finally couldn’t withstand to bear the sight of my horrendous scars located at the back of my ankles. At that time, the scars which was left resembles to huge black patch. Yes, it was that bad. Ladies who’ve worn heels, court shoes or any kind of footwear which tends to bite your ankles, you’ll feel me.

Anyhow, this product was actually recommended to me by a Sasa salesgirl when I made my request of searching for a low-priced scar removing product. After drilling the poor lady 101 questions and showing her my horrendous scars, I finally decided to purchase the product; and I gotta tell you that was one of the best purchase I ever made in my life.

Bio-Oil Review

Basically, Bio-oil is a multifunctional oil which helps one remove Scars, Stretch Marks, even uneven skin tone, reduce aging skin and hydrate dehydrated skin! Seems a little too over the top for such a flimsy little 60ml bottle right? Well, at that time I thought so too. 

Bio-Oil Review

Being unimpressed by it’s "Claims" I decided to try it for myself. After vigorously applying the oil for a month plus, I noticed a huge improvement to the once-ghastly patches at the back of my ankles! They were slowly being transformed back to their original states! Although the ghost of the scars were still there if you look closely at them, I felt that having reddish-pink skin in place of black patches were a huge improvement especially for my dated scars!

With that said, this product is marked COMMENDABLE from me!

Bio-Oil Review

Overall, I would give Bio-Oil 4 IreviewUread smiles! There’s no scent, the product works fine and it’s priced at an affordable range! There’s only one downside to this product: It takes months for you to be able to see the result. Other then that, it’s great! You can even use it as your body oil after shower to keep your skin soft and hydrated!

You can purchase this at local pharmacy like Watsons, Guardian, Sasa etc. for SGD$15.50.

For more information on this product, you can visit their website here:

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