Hair & Beauty Magazine

BFTE Cosmetics Mineral Eye Shadow in Isis Review

By Tokkiandoliver @tokkiandoliver
This is a review on a brand that I had no idea about until a friend gifted me their mineral eye shadows. BFTE stands for Beauty From The Earth and specialize in mineral pigments for multi use.  The one that I tried today is called Isis which is a "Low-shimmer Blackened blood red, with red-bronze under tones".  It was a very interesting color to say the least, which is why I tried this one first.   I don't know why but the fact that this mineral eyeshadow contained Copper and Silica concerned me. I'm sure it's nothing to be alarmed about, but it just felt like those two ingredients should not go near my eye haha.  I'm sure I am wrong about this (can someone educate me on this). I have done some googling prior to writing this review, because I wanted to see what others are saying.  Most of the press out there seem to be positive, so I am reluctant to write my review, because it's not a favourable one for BFTE. Let me start by saying something positive, how about that?Isis is a gorgeous color - rich, vibrant, and pigmented.Well pigmented when you initially apply this mineral to you skin.     Then something odd happened. This gorgeous color began to disappear as I began to blend it more and more into my skin. Take a look...   starting to look like I'm bruised...   and then 10 seconds later, you can barely even see it... I have never known a pigment to do this, and I always want something pigmented and long lasting on my eyes, so this was definitely a bit of a disappointment.  I don't know if this is Isis alone, or if they are all like this, but this specific product is a total fail for me. Like I said, I really hate saying anything negative about a small indie makeup company, but this product really was a flop.  I hope their pigments aren't all like this, as I'm pretty sure nobody wants pigments with major fall out and does a disappearing act once you begin to blend it. So for all those reasons, I can not recommend this product to my lovelies that read my blog.

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