You can get a whiff of the stench arising from Washington even 'over here'. What a putrid administration the Americans have elected. I can only assume they were holding their noses as they voted. Even by the low standards one has grown to expect from Washington this Obama regime has plumbed new depths. If it carries on this way for the next four years I can see one of his principal(*) lieutenants, or even Obama himself, being hauled before the courts – although they are so well on the way to being politically corrupted that most Federal judges would probably award him a medal!
The scandal of what is called ‘Operation Fast and Furious’ continues. This was an act of lunacy by sundry Federal organizations to allow marked guns to be released into criminal hands which they knew would end up with various drug cartels in Mexico and the border lands. Needless to say, they were all gratefully received – and used! Amongst the resulting pile of bodies was that of an American Border Patrol officer. Instantly the well-oiled Obama ‘Deny and Lie’ machine went into action led by perhaps the most slippery lying liar ever to hold high office, Attorney General Eric Holder. He, of course, ‘didn’t know nuffink’ and after an ‘investigation’ by one of his own executives, a dozen or so underlings were thrown to the wolves but he, himself, escaped censure.
Next up we have the ongoing scandal of the disaster at the Benghazi consulate just prior to the election. It is now clear beyond any doubt that, unlike the story (ie, the outright lie!) floated by the administration to the effect that it was an assault by a ‘flash mob’ angered by an American-made anti-Muslim film, it was actually a planned attack by Islamist terrorists. The disgraceful story of how the consulate was left undefended despite months of warnings is the stuff of normal governmental incompetence but the campaign of deliberate and outright lying and obfuscation that ensued after the event was not. That was the action of government, in general, and a candidate, in particular, desperate to avoid any splatters of blood spoiling the shiny shoes and well-tailored suits of their presidential re-election campaign.
Gen. Petraeus, the former head of the CIA, lives up to the reputation of paratroopers everywhere (ahem, modesty forbids and all that!) by shagging for his country and being caught out has been tossed to the wolves by Obama in the way that Attorney General Holder has not. To be fair, Petraeus has something to answer for having told Congress a few days after the attack that he thought it was a ‘flash mob’ despite saying now that he knew within 24 hours that it was a planned attack by terrorists. Obama and his henchmen compounded the felony by taking a situation report prepared by the CIA blaming terrorists and after playing ‘pass the parcel’ with it during which it was radically altered it was eventually released by Ms. Susan Rice, their UN ambassador. For some strange and unexplained reason, the Secretary of State, Mrs. Clinton, was on the ‘missing list’ – I wonder why?! Anyway, Ms. Rice goes on to all the Sunday TV shows and lies, and lies and lies again for Obama, telling the electorate that it was all the fault of that pesky film.
I have only one question. Is there, anywhere in Washington, one single honest man or woman?
(I am obliged to Drudge for their witty title which, in my usual style, I have nicked!)
(*) See 'Comments'