Hair & Beauty Magazine

Benefits of Essential Oils/Aromatherapy

By Stephanie1 @NewBeautyReview
Aromatherapy: Therapy through aroma or scent via perfume, cosmetics, medically, massage, body wraps, vaporization, bathing
Essential Oils: An aromatic & volatile (evaporates easily) oil, usually derived from the odor expelled from plants, obtained by distillation or the process of expression.
The use of Essential Oils to heal or enhance is a time honored ancient tradition, celebrated by the Egyptians, the Chinese & also certain practices found in India. I may not agree with all of the philosophies of these & other cultures but I do believe in using Essential Oils as a valid alternative in skincare.
I was introduced to the world of Essential Oils & Aromatherapy when I was in school getting my Esthetics license. I immediately took to it! I started using these oils more & more as I saw the benefits on myself & in my treatments on clients. From body wraps to waxing, they're truly amazing!
I've been mixing up my favorites for years so hopefully I can sell them soon!!
*Please be mindful of your current condition if you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, have heart and/or blood pressure concerns.
ALWAYS read directions before coming in contact w/Essential Oils directly, as they are very powerful & should rarely, if ever, be used neat.
*Always store oil blends in glass jars in a cool, dark place*
 Here's a list of popular Carrier & Essential Oils & what they do:
Carrier Oils: Used to help dilute the Essential Oils so they don't irritate the skin when we apply them. Although there are many, these are the most recognized.
*Jojoba- This oil resembles human sebum (the skin's actual oil secretions) so it's a great moisturizers that sinks right into the skin. It's water soluble so it never leaves an oily residue. It's used in massage therapy & numerous cosmetic procedures. What I love most about this is it benefits ALL skin types! It also breaks down dirt, unclogs pores, removes makeup, has anti-inflammatory & anti-aging properties, is a mild sunscreen and it NEVER goes bad!! I use this personally all the time.
*Sweet Almond- Extremely softening, this oil is excellent for sensitive, dry, itchy skin conditions. A lot of products used to soften cuticles have this listed as the main ingredient b/c it's so effective in emulsifying tough skin. Made of proteins, vitamins & rich in minerals, this is excellent for massage & facial oils.
*Grapeseed- This was the first carrier oil I was aware of using & I liked it right away. It's a powerful anti-oxidant, thin oil, w/a nice light scent. It doesn't smell like grapes or anything like that but it has a soft typical oil aroma. It also has some minerals, vitamins & proteins so not only is it a great massage oil but it works wonders in beauty/skin treatments.
*Essential Oils:
Tea Tree: This is probably the most recognized oil amongst the masses. It's wide known for it's anti-fungal, anti-viral & antiseptic properties. It absorbs into the skin quickly, is non irritating having little to no side affects, is nearly neutral in pH and b/c of it's pleasant odor it's cosmetically suitable.
Chamomile: It's main purpose is to soothe & relax! It's good for use on nerve related skin irritations like eczema. It's the greatest in anti-inflammatory ingredients & is gentle on sensitive skin. It benefits swollen, itchy, red, sore allergy induced conditions.
Lavender: This oil is also easy on the skin w/anti-septic properties. It's a natural at healing wounds therefore preventing scarring. It works well w/all complexions especially blemished or oily skin. This is one of the few oils that can be used neat if necessary.
Rose: A favorite used in cosmetics & perfumes. This anti-aging healer, keeps skin healthy, elastic, lubricated and less wrinkle prone. It's great for sensitive, mature/aging skin but also benefits all complexions/skin types. Rose water, although lighter, is still effective.
I listed some possible ways to mix these mystical little potions & some easy recipes you can make at home. I've made a lot of these as per the request of my clients, so I know they work!!
Bubble Bath:
Add 5-10 drops of either oil to a warm bath, for desired results.
Soothe Irritated Skin:
I like to mix a few drops each of Tea Tree, Lavender & Chamomile in a small jar of Jojoba and apply to freshly waxed skin. My wax clients love this b/c the slight tingling from the Tea Tree feels refreshing while the Lavender & Chamomile soothe & calms the irritability just caused by the waxing.
This is a client favorite!
Itchy Dry Scalp: (2ce a week until scalp clears up)
Wet hair
Scrub scalp with 1/2 cup Apple Cider Vinegar
Mix 5 drops of Tea Tree oil w/1 tsp of mild shampoo
Shampoo & rinse
Towel dry hair
Apply 3-5 drops Tea Tree oil to scalp, rub in & comb through.
*Inhale 3 drops of Rose and/or Lavender from a tissue. You may also apply 1 drop to each temple.
*Mix 4-5 drops of each Lavender, Marjoram & Peppermint in a Carrier Oil of your choice & use to give a firm neck/shoulder massage.
*3 drops of each: Lavender, Rose & Chamomile to warm bath
Inhale Lavender or Peppermint from a tissue or use a few drops in a vaporizer.
Athlete's Foot: (Itchy feet)
Wash & dry feet
Soak feet (daily for 5-10 minutes) in warm water adding 5-10 drops of Tea Tree & 1/4 cup of Apple Cider Vinegar
Add a few drops of each Tea Tree & Peppermint to pefume free foot cream.
Dry/Cracked Skin:
Mix 3 drops of Rose & 5tsp Avocado Oil (Carrier Oil)
Apply daily to affected areas.
There are so many options!! I like mixing & trying different concoctions. I'm not the biggest fan of a lot of the more modern medicines out today. I believe a lot of what's out there ends up doing us more harm than good. A lot of these more natural remedies have fallen away because of the tendency to over prescribe medicine for every and anything that brings people into see their Physician . I'm aware that some conditions need more serious treatment, I'm just offering this as another option for other issues that may not be as serious.
One of my favorite places to shop for some of these oils in bulk is:
Keep it pretty!

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