Hair & Beauty Magazine

Belif: First Aid Overnight Skin Regeneration Mask Review

By Ireviewuread

Belif: First Aid Overnight Skin regeneration Mask Review

This is a very outdated post. I got the Belif: First Aid Overnight Skin regeneration Mask from THIS post.

This little 5ml mask lasted me quite a while since I don’t mask everyday. What I like about this is, it’s a mask which you can leave on the whole night. Suited for lazy people like myself. However, there’s a downside to overnight masks too: They make your pillow damn dirty. For people alike me who can’t seemed to stop moving when we are sleeping, it’s best if you change your pillow case too after applying this mask.

Since one of the mask’s property is to help hydrate your skin, it’s best suited to be used in an air conditioned room.

Belif: First Aid Overnight Skin regeneration Mask Review

Basically, what this mask do is to help rejuvenate and rehydrate your dull skin. Contained within it’s formulas are Napiers anti-aging formula and Napiers original formula. These formulas are there to help boost skin circulation and delays skin aging.

To use this mask all you have to do is:

  1. Cleanse
  2. Apply Toner & Essence
  3. Apply mask
  4. Leave it overnight
  5. Rinse off in the morning

Tip: Do use a headband to hold your hair back before going to bed or you’ll wake up with a face full of hair sticking to your face.

Belif: First Aid Overnight Skin regeneration Mask Review

As expected, lemony scent could be detected from the thick and creamy texture of the mask. Upon applying the mask, a cooling sensation could be felt throughout your face.

The morning after I rinsed, I felt that my complexion look tighter and smoother. I definitely looked more refreshed & hydrated after applying the mask.

Belif: First Aid Overnight Skin regeneration Mask Review

Overall, I would give this mask 4 IreviewUread smiles for it definitely works as mentioned but I find it a wee bit too messy and sticky for me.

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